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" I-I uhh" Brandon shuttered while smiling

" Brandon I-" Danielle get cut off by Lucas and Liam

" here ya go and hey why are you only healing Brandon my lips cut to you know" Lucas said trying to sound jealous.

" im gonna do all three of you!" she yelled

she grabs the wet towel and runs it over Brandon's lips she could feel his smile, then she got a cream and put a dab on her finger and ran it over Brandon's cut lip. she turns around to see Liam smiling and Lucas smirking. she turns to Brandon to see him smile.

" ok Lucas you're next..." she said trying to break the awkwardness. Lucas had a little cut on his lip and a cut on his eyebrow she repeated the same process she did with Brandon," so was Brandon's lips soft ?" Lucas whispered smirking.

" ok Liam you're next" she yelled Lucas gets up and smirks at her. Liam had nothing just a little tiny bruise , she had to admit he was pretty muscular, he had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes he was very attractive, Brandon head the same features but he had green eyes, she looked at Lucas his dark blue eyes met hers and he just smirked he had jet black hair and was also muscular.

" well I should get going see you guys tomorrow." Danielle said

" I'll walk you " Brandon said

" Brandon my house is right next door you  don't need to" she said smiling 

" oh yes I am that Luke guys not getting any where near you!" he yelled

they walked out the door and Brandon looked at Danielle he couldn't help but think about Danielle's kiss, her lips were so soft, he just wanted to look into her beautiful green eyes run his hand through her long brown curly hair.

" thanks for walking me..."  she said then she walked inside but before she did she turned to Brandon and gave him a kiss in his cheek.

Brandon stood frozen but turned to see Liam and Lucas looking at him smiling. he walked back smiling could Danielle like him?

" dude tell us everything that happened when we left!" Lucas and Liam said smirking

" she just told me thanks and she said oh so you haven't been waiting for this then she grabbed my face and kissed me." he said smiling

" ohhhhh yeaaa!" Liam said " my little bro growing up." he said sadly

" dude you know what this means right?" Lucas said smirking

" no what?" Brandon said nervously

" time to give him the girlfriend talk" Liam said smiling

" wait what!" yelled Brandon

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