Her name was Kat

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Kat was the type of kid the religious people of the world and politicians hated. She asked too many questions. She was full of determination and most importantly curiosity. She explored caves,woods and whatever she fancied that day. She'd run up to girls or boys and kiss them,just to see if she'd liked it. She took too many sports,tried to learn one too many instruments. She would have been a great LGBT Ally or protester or lobbyist. All those types of things.
She was curious as a cat. And you know what they say? Curiosity killed Kat.

When I met her I could tell that was her down fall. The way her soul bounced from place to place and danced,it flew to me taking on her form. It smiled wide,taking a hold of my boney hand. It was so small in my mine,the chocolate brown glowing warmly against my cold gray skin. She smiled at me,rows of straight white teeth sparkling.  I remember it all like it only happened a moment ago,sadly it was many years ago.

I found her in the summer of 2002. The year before had been a tough on for the humans. A terrorist attack had the entire planet upping their security,a War on Terror had begun. Even with all that happening along with other things,nature never cared. She kept going,growing despite everything. I always envied Nature. She made dying breathing-taking and made something with it. She could make a corpse into art.

It was yalmost too beautiful at times.

This particular time,it was overpowering. I strolled into the woods expecting to find some peace in a small wooden town after spending so much time in the city. It was a wonderful day,birds were sing and the flowers were in full bloom. I never expected to find a body.

She had been hidden in a very secluded corner of the woods. Her lovely green hair tied back into a ponytail,two long strips flowed down the sides of her faces were died a lighter shade. It must have been done recently,the color was so vibrant. Her bangs,covered most of her wide open eyes which were white and showed no signs of life. She wore a love purple dress with a large yellow heart,the sleeves a bit too long for her,and a tank top underneath. It was a bit dirty with blood,dirt and something that smelled suspiciously like whiskey.

Now,I've seen many a corpse. I've seen many a gruesome sight and a lovely gesture,but it was plain to see Kat had been dumped here. She wasn't suppose to be found,but Nature took pity on the sight of the poor kid's body. Flowers grew all around it,on it,under it. A vine wrapped around her leg and lovely purple flowers bloomed on it.

It was beautifully tragic,she couldn't have been more than 15 or 16,yet here she was. Dead and becoming another tragic painting on Nature's endless wall.

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