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Arielle sat in the truck with Bella "Bella I thought you were joking about the motorcycles." Arielle said looking at Bella

"I need to get out of the house." Bella told Arielle "Why can't you act like a human being and hang out with friends?" Arielle questioned her "Jacob's a friend." Bella told her

Arielle rolled their eyes "Bella cut the shit and tell me why all the sudden your doing all theses crazy shit but whenever I try and dress you up you never let me?" Arielle snapped

"What are you talking about?" Bella questioned "Stop playing dumb Bella." Arielle said her voice clearly annoyed

"I saw Edward when I got on the motorcycle." Bella said Arielle rolled her eyes "And I thought I was insane. Bella, Edward is gone they all are." Arielle said to Bella

"I get it you miss him and shit, but he hasn't come back now then he isn't coming back at all." Arielle said any hope of having any of the Cullen's was long gone and now she only felt angry when talking about them "None of them are."

"I know that, but when I was on the motorcycle he told me to turn back and leave, it was like he was trying to protect me. Don't you get that with Emmett?" Bella asked her

"No. No Bella I don't, I hate to break it too you Bella, but that's not normal it's insane." Arielle told her the weather started to pick up "Nothing about us or this town has been normal." Bella pointed out to her

"Don't you miss Emmett?" Bella asked Arielle, Arielle tensed up of course she missed Emmett, she loved him, but he left her and she was determined to get over Emmett. Bella noticed how the clouds seem to darken, but she didn't question it

"Bella. Shut up." Arielle warned Bella "Don't you miss all those times Emmett was their for you?" Bella questioned Arielle "Stop the truck." Arielle said angry "Stop. The. Truck." Arielle snapped

"Arielle I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought Emmett up." Bella pleaded to her best friend, Arielle scoffed "Screw off Bella." Arielle said running into the woods,

"Arielle?" Paul questioned Arielle turned to him she rushed towards him wrapping his arms around her holding her Arielle held onto him he lifted up the strawberry blonde carrying her bridal style "What happened?" Paul asked her concerned

"Bella can't stand the fact that I've gotten over my ex boyfriend so she decides to bring him into our conversations." Arielle said sighing

"She's hurting." Paul said shrugging Arielle had calmed down in Paul's arms which caused the weather to calm down as well "I'm moving on and it makes me mad that she can't see that their not coming back." Arielle said looking at Paul

Paul continued to look forward probably heading to Emily's,

"Arielle from what I hear Bella isn't like you when she falls she falls hard to the point it completely destroyed her and you, every time something horrible happens and you think it's going to destroy you, you find a way and you become stronger." Paul pointed out to Arielle they finally got to Sam and Emily's place

"I'm back, with Arielle." Paul announced "Arielle!" Jared shouted happily hugging the strawberry blonde happily, Arielle giggled as Jared spun her around in the air "I like having you around." Jared said smirking at Paul "So does Paul by the way." Jared added

Arielle smirked looking at Paul who glared at Jared "Arielle." Arielle turned seeing Sam Uley "Sam." Arielle said smiling at her Sam pulled the strawberry blonde into a hug

"It's good to see you, it been a while." Sam said smiling at her "Yeah it really has, but don't worry that's changed, I'll be around a lot you guys are going to get tired of me." Arielle said grinning

"Not possible." The boys plus Emily said smiling at her. Paul sat on the couch Arielle cuddled up to him Sam and Jared were out while Emily had fallen asleep leaving the two in the living room

Arielle stared at Paul than at his lips, even if the past couple of days she and Paul had gotten even closer Arielle was still scared of starting any relationship with Paul yeah they were taking things slow and Arielle was surprised he didn't mind at all since before he'd love to have fun with girls.

Arielle knew some part of her would always love Emmett but their was a apart of her that also loved Paul, and she was going to take that chance with Paul

Arielle decided to grow a pair she straddled Paul's lap wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him Paul was completely caught off guard he kissed her back moving his hands on her hips she pulled back

"What am I a nun?" Arielle questioned him Paul moved his hands on her ass Arielle smirked

"Better?" Paul asked smirking "Better." Arielle said going back to kissing him Arielle gripped his hair he started to kiss down her neck Arielle let out a moan but remembered Emily was still in the house and Arielle wasn't going to go any farther and have sex at Sam and Emily's house

"Wait. Stop. I'm not having sex in Sam and Emily's house." Arielle said causing Paul to pout like a small child Arielle rolled her eyes looking at Paul with an amused look

"Your right Sam would kill me." Paul stated remembering he didn't really want to piss off his alpha Arielle let out a giggle softly kissing him again

"God your perfect." Paul said staring at Arielle with complete adoration filled in his eyes.

Arielle was happy to be their with Paul especially after the past events finding out about her birthparents than going home to find her birth father their with a knife to his neck.

Arielle rushed into her house after she had stuffed her hospital file in her bag, she heard a noise in the kitchen "You leave her alone if you ruined me what makes you think you won't ruin her?" Katerina said venom clear in her voice

Arielle eyes landed on Katerina who held a knife to her birth father Wyatt Salvatore "What's going on here?" Arielle asked staring at them her face was emotionless "Arielle." Katerina started but Arielle glared at her moving back as Katerina stepped closer

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me we are sister's? That you knew my birth parents?" Arielle questioned "Because I was trying to protect you from him."

Arielle closed her eyes tightly Paul gently rubbed her back in a comforting way

Arielle softly kissed his neck laying her head on his neck she slowly fell asleep.


Arielle and Paul are really cute, I low key ship them but I miss Emmett so much already. I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm sorry for my Emrielle shippers, and I know Parielle shippers are living the life.

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