Okay.....um......where is it!

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I'm adding the smut back in to this
Just saying
I'm putting it back to the original

Tyler's POV
I just left to go pick up Angel, wow I really do love her and she loves me I honestly hope that she never leaves if she did I would be shocked and devastated. I picked her up it was a hour drive from her house to my moms house, I picked her up in my car(above) and she hopped in and kissed me she was wearing(below) and she looked sexy

she took my extra pair of sunglasses from my glove box and put a leather jacket on and took a selfie in the car I made a weird face and she kissed my cheek, she posted it on Instagram and it instantly got 100 likes with comments saying "You look s...

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she took my extra pair of sunglasses from my glove box and put a leather jacket on and took a selfie in the car I made a weird face and she kissed my cheek, she posted it on Instagram and it instantly got 100 likes with comments saying "You look so Cute together" and one from random people saying "Get a life" or  "Why did Tyler leave Ashley" and so on but I said nothing she said nothing and we drove to Batesville, stopping only to get her a soda we had a short make out session and I bought Pop-Rocks so it was cute.
~Time skip an hour~

We arrived and I seen an unfamiliar car it was like mine but red. We went in and I saw a man who looked like me but I knew instantly it was Tim my twin, who lived with my dad. "Hey Tyler"
"Nice to see you" I said
"Who is this?" Angel asked.
"Thi-" I was cut off, "I'm Tim, Tyler's twin brother" he said
"Nice to see you Angel" Mom said.
"Nice to see you too, Ms.Tompson" she said.
"Bye now" and I rushed Angel up the stairs on my back and shut my bedroom door and landed on the bed and started kissing her. After about 5 or 6 minutes she got up and said "Do you have any....you know"
"Um...I think have some....things so let me look" I looked for 5 minutes straight but I could not find any. She looked in her purse. She found one and started kissing me. "Dammit" I said  laughing. I smiled and she giggled. I got up and picked her up bridal style. I snuck out the back door to the guest bathroom, "YES!!!. I took her to my special place it was a giant white willow tree next to a little lake/pond.. "Hey" I laughed "What" she said "are YOU sure you are ready" I asked "Um.....I-I"I'm ready" She said. "Okay here we go" I said Maybe I thought has she had.....all ready, it's fine it's only my second time, I wonder if Ashley is okay wait why am I thinking of Ashley I must crazy.
I started kissing her slowly while stroking her hair.
She reached for my belt.
I reached for her bra strap
~screw that I can't write straight smut goddamnit, I can only write Phan smut~
~timeskip brought to you by not being able to write a straight smut scene 😂~

"That was so nice" she said laying her head on my (abbed) chest. "Yeah" I said holding her tightly
I'm not letting this one go, if I did she might go after Tim since well he is my twin
"Baby" she said "Yeah" i said "why did you call me angel" I looked and it was  Ashley I shook my head and Angel asked, "are you okay Ty". " I smiled she laughed and jumped in the lake/pond. "Do I look Hot" she said sarcastically. "Uh duh" I said diving in. She looked at me through her blonde lashes "I love you Ty" "I love you too A" and hugged her. My mom called us in for dinner. Okay I yelled she put on her bathing suit underneath my shirt and she have me and extra shirt. "Let's go" she said grabbing my hand. I ran in and Tim said the most inappropriate thing ever "Did you have fun" "what the hell did you say" Angel and I said. "Nevermind". We had Pizza today so no biggy. Since my mom has Tim over Angel can sleep in the guest room connected to my room, so we basically slept together. I woke up it was 3:00 a.m she was shivering and I cuddled next to her "Thanks Babe" "No problem" I said squeezing her but then releasing.
I went to sleep I woke and I was outside my door floating I looked in my window and saw Tim lying next to Angel I fished for him but then I heard "I love you Tim....but stop....I don't wanna get pregnant so move your ---- nope and she gasped in horror "Are you freakimg kidding me, if you made me pregnant I swear I blinked and it was morning but two weeks after "Mom" I heard Angel sob, "I'm moving to Batesville to live closer to the father of Jane" she cried. "I'm sorry mom,it was all his fault, Tim's he shoved it in and yes, I love you too" and she broke out in sobs. Tim came in and slapped her and told her to shut up then I came in and said stop Angel....I still love you, I love you too she said and then she got up and took a shower  it felt like it took her 3 hours to get ready my brother, Tim challenged me to fight him but I said no because I was stronger, faster, and older then him. Then I heard sobs so I ran up stairs to see a gun aimed at Angels stomach.
Then I woke......

Okay so during the time skip they got a bit frisky if you know what I mean.
But seriously Why can't I write straight smut. Because I'm perfectly fine writing Phan smut which makes no sense.
I guess it would be harder writing a straight scene because I'm basically demisexual,but not
Do you feel me?
Probably not.
Wtf is my life 😂✌🏻👌
1,020 words wow kisses
~Yours truly

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