The token promise

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Very important a/n at the end please read it!!!!

Violet's POV

~10 long years later~

It's been 9 years since I last seen Zane. I still haven't figured out if he is alive or dead or somewhere in between. I married Tyler 5 years ago. We had a beautiful baby girl by the name of Brianna. She turns 2 today. I've invited everyone. Lila is coming with her 1000th boyfriend, Jade is coming, but Scott isn't since he died in some sort of animal incident, Tim is coming, and that's about it.

"Hey hon, do you have the birthday cake ready for Bri?" Tyler asked me.

"Yep, its chocolate," I reply. Chocolate is Bri's favorite. The party was starting in 30 minutes and Lila and her fiance were already here. Some of Bri's friends were here too.

"So how far along are you?" I asked my pregnant sister. It'll be her 4 child. She's always been a slut.

"3 months," She replies, smiling to her stomach and her fiance. I roll my eyes. She's always been so cheesy.

~ Time skip cause I wanna get this shitty story over with~------------------------------------------------

I'm picking up after the party and notice a token. I go to pick it up and see it has 4 triangles side by side. I shove it in my pocket and head to my room where I find all my photo albums scattered everywhere. I look at the pictures to find every picture of Tyler crossed out. I flip through them puzzled. Who would do this? I turn around to see Tyler standing in the doorway.

"Hey babe," He says smirking. I almost die laughing.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask him, smiling. I go up and hug him. You would think we are in our 30s, but I'm only 27 and Ty is 29. "Hey, I found this earlier, so I was wondering if you've seen this before?" I ask turning to him, showing him the token. His eyes widen and he is shot in the air.

"OH MY GOD TYLER!" I shout. Tears leak from my eyes as I see Tyler being hung in the air. I fall to the ground. The air falls silent as I hear an all too familiar shush.

"Did you miss me sweetie?" I look up to be met with a toothy grin. I slap him across the face.

"HOW COULD YOU!!?!?!?" I scream at him. All he does is give me his shit-eating grin.

"You know that Bri isn't his right," He says circling me, smiling.

"Don't talk about MY BABY," I shout. He lifts me by my throat.

"Did you forget that night, my precious?" He says, he the runs kisses along my jaw. I pull away, but he shoves me down.

"You know, You were always useless, I figured that after that one day when we were 14," He says. All I can think about is Bri, but she's safe with her Grandma. "V, I know where my baby girl Brianna is," He says.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!!!" I shout, but that gives me a slap on the face.

"I always hated your family of vampire hunters," I spit in his face.

~3rd person~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Violet spat in Zane's face.

"That's it!" Zane says, walking over to Violet and kissing her. "Goodbye Love,"

Zane snaps her neck and it all fades.


Holy crap, it's finally over! Thank god. I absolutely despised this story. It was terrible and cringe, so It's over and no sequels(THANK GOD)

I'm going to possibly start writing Time, but I might start a new story because I completely forgot where Time was going so I still might wait until 2018.




603 words


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