chapter four

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Chapter four

I watched him leave the library before I began reading the diary. It wasn’t easy to read though. Some of the pages were ripped, and a lot of the ink had faded, but still, it was the best lead I had on him.

 Boring, boring, boring, I already know this! I said; beginning to get frustrated with the book that Hades had given me. I’d already read most of the stuff in it, through other books. The only thing that was different was that it was in someone else’s point of view, and the fact that it was actually written from the time of the Salem witch hunt/trial.

 But I did find out that this person, one of hades’ relatives, was a very good artist. Every page where something happens is drawn in, not in colour, just in shades of grey and black. Either way, they were detailed and good pictures. Not like the ones you find in old textbooks.

 After at least reading about three quarters of the diary, I really do feel sorry for this guy, I mean he had to watch his mother get hung by the council, how horrible would that be?

 Anyway the point is, I don’t think I’m anywhere near finding the answer to my question-what is he hiding?

 “Miss,” a small voice said.

 I looked up and saw that the librarian was standing across the room staring at me.

  “We’re now closing.”

 Closing time, had I really been here that long?

 It was past dark when I finally got home from the library, and all that time in there researching, just seemed like a waste. I found much out from the diary, except that the person that wrote it shared the same name as Hades.

 It was interesting though I had to admit. The Hades in the diary was a fantastic artist, as there’re pictures in the diary. He’d drawn what looked a lot like a house, different family members, and a couple of self-portraits of himself, so all in all, it hadn’t been a complete waste of an afternoon.

 But what surprised me was that modern day Hades, looked very much like his ancestor that wrote the diary. How weird is that? It’s almost as if they’re the same person, I laughed silently to myself to that thought, I mean, and everybody knows it’s impossible.

 But back to the diary, I was around about half way through it, and so far, it hadn’t given me no hope what so ever, in finding the answer to my questions. But like I said, I am only half way through it, so maybe it will be more useful then.

 “Autumn dinners ready.” My mum shouted from downstairs in the kitchen.

 She always had a thing of shouting me down for dinner when I was in the middle of something. Usually it was just homework but still, she just couldn’t do it when I wasn’t busy doing something.

 Hiding the diary under my pillow so that no one could find it, I made my down into the dining room where my mum was sitting waiting for me to join her.

 “Mum this looks great.” I said trying to force a smile. She’d cooked us macaroni and cheese, which I hate, but I won’t tell her because it makes her feel bad. “Is dad joining us?”

 “No, he’s working late again sweetie so it’s just you and me I’m afraid.”

 I let out a small sigh. It didn’t really bother me that he’s rarely home, but it would be nice if he was around more. But then again, it’s not as if I’m ever here to see him. I’m either out with Georgia and Ella, or in my room studying. Very rarely do you find me lounging around on the sofa.

 Well except for the last couple of days, when all I was thinking about was Hades Sullivant.

 We ate in silence as usual. The only sound you heard was the scrapping of the knife and fork on the plates, or the constant gulps of drink I took to get the food out of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2011 ⏰

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