Authors Apologies

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To everyone who is reading my story I'm sorry about the short chapters. I ma going to try and write more my last chapter was like 1000 + words. I'll try to write like 900 to 1000+ words.

Random Phone Words
Hi girlie whatsoever what's the significance of the gold sheet for a little but you might want to come to my place I'll given you some medicine wipe you up put you in a little bit ago by the way you did yesterday and I don't think so sorry to hear that I hope you have a question for you guys tomorrow and I don't think so sorry to hear that I hope you have a question for the assembly faster than that I hope you guys are going have a good cover up and be counted as one that I hope to the park you want to do this and I'm going home y I have the structure and function in Colorado in Colorado and we gonna call when it wasn't as long time it would probably just wanted something with Robert cheated on their buts chewed to a dream is life as pairs and we need me but it's hard enough and it act together this was working to come tomorrow we were friends from all meet with them everything to my jr need a good power and k I'll ask for you cause we should wear them out a lot more likely have you want your travel shampoo to see tomorrow then you have the videos are not good at school now it's all kpop up with that was fine I guess I'll come get you in about it and let her up with you can leave a response on their buts and if they lose weight is going to do something tomorrow and bring me the phone to watch out in your social media sites of course your my phone errors in a minute or something like I was so I can come for a living so I was going to put some savings q is the new fanboy I can go to the park with my mom or something like to the school breakfast with a lot to the park you guys want a pic with me in your life as pairs to the school year and then he was like no you get here at all but he didn't pick up lines to be able historically hosted I need my phone out a dream come home now but I know what he was saying sorry but at all my history of work out in Colorado avalanche have some chocolate covered strawberries and I have a question of whether you are I have a I know you I can get ready for her yet to you and I was waiting for her birthday party at least Alanna and I was going back to sleep now you have fun with the wrong girl I have a stomach hurts to the school year old it's a r Rahman said e me know if you don't want him to be like that's for the spam folder on and then I'll get it down stairs and then he got a surprise for her to do that sleeping with my parents really y you want to do this weekend we are doing something for you and I will be a lot more likely that the park with a little then to watch out that sounds really good cause it's fine if you're looking in the right side mom and she can we do the fake prom asking how about you can just get to sleep tonight with Robert Scoble and you don't talk to go see the school tomorrow for you and ignored you don't and I'm sorry to bother coming for the phone with you if that was a little forward with Robert Pattinson and then gonna go back out there for your updates by the shower but this is probably my stomach hurts me but the only reason not on my mom was so tired as it after rehearsal

almost there

Hence the school of the Americas watchdog is it was a stupid and I have no one likes to the school breakfast gave up on your waist from where you have fun with a lot more likely have to go to I know that you've been doing a I'm sorry but I don't like it was beautiful girl and kissed her cause I was like I'm gonna be cleaning the house to get a lot more time to do it today but I'm gonna be a football field trip tomorrow morning and get t u guys are the sex to you guys and I don't give me to the park and I was waiting on the way ho chi Minh the phone to watch dad amend to do this and proud you guys want cause I'm sorry but I'll be in there and then I have to watch my parents and I was watching a film about the short notice to you guys are so sweet of you want to meet at your house Monday and then he was a lot more than just the three of you please send it was gonna ask for the spam filter is a good thing cause I'm gonna try y you want to meet at i have the party with his friends that you were in it wasn't a bit later than anything he'll never mind that sucks t shirt and I don't give a good time with you guys and I was going back to your hotel and I was watching a show of the same taste and I have to say something about it to you tomorrow then I'll get ready to take the Jersey city of a lot more than just got back from the jr and I have a good idea to do it for you have fun at work there is it ok I will help me know

There this is 1000 words and sorry if the above craps is weird or something cause I left my phone type random words Luke the auto check thing and it helps pull up another word I just kept hitting random words and got all that

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