Chapter 5 - Special Talents

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~Sofia's Dream~

We followed Jone while riding our horses and ended up in a place away from the village. The room looked empty from the outside. Jone knocked on the door eleven times (I counted), in a specific rhythm. The door opened, but nobody was inside. But who opened the door? I looked inside. My mouth was hanging. From the outside, it looked like a normal wooden house without windows, but the inside, its the total opposite. The floor and ceiling is covered with diamond blocks while the walls are covered with gold blocks. On another room underground, it displayed the different types of weapons and the starter kits, each has a display of items inside the kits.

"Go on girls, choose!" Jone said.

Since I have been practicing on archery and my idol is Katniss Everdeen in 'The Hunger Games', I chose the kit which contains 5 stacks of arrows, a bow, wooden armor and a few potions. I saw Elissa choosing the kit with a wooden sword and some other items I could not see. 

As soon as I touched the kit, I saw Jone grinned and soon I was transported into another room. My 5 stacks of arrows and my potions were in my inventory while I was given an infinity amount of arrows. I was in a different room with a target practice right at the other side of the room. There were rules on my left side of me and a button my right.

"Welcome to the arrow target practice. On the other side of the room, there is a target and you can practice shooting on it. On your right side is a button. If you press on it, there will be multiple targets moving across the room and you are supposed to shoot all the moving targets right on the heart under two minutes and you will be transported back. The targets that were shot in the heart will disappear if successful. Good luck!"

That was the rules. I decided to practice my shooting first. After a few minutes of shooting the target right in the bullseye, I decided to press the button. Even better. Use one of my arrows and shoot on the button. As soon as my arrow shoot on the button, multiple targets surrounded me, moving around the room.

"The time starts... NOW!"

As fast as a cheetah and as sly as a fox, one by one i shot the targets right on its heart. Some moved slowly while others moved fast. It gave me a bit of difficulty for the fast targets. Slowly, one by one, the targets disappeared. All of the targets were shot except for one right at the far end of the room, moving at its fastest pace.

"40 seconds left!"

I looked at the target and focused on it. Somehow, through my view, it was moving very slowly. I planned out my strategy on shooting it on the heart, in the middle or not.

"20 seconds left!"

Silently counting down the seconds, I stretched the bow and got ready into position. I wasted time feeling nervous with my confidence at its lowest level and concentrating on the target.

"15, 14, 13,..."

With my confidence shoot up to the sky, I shoot at the target. I prayed very hard that it would hit. Somehow everything went slow motion.


It was flying


Still flying


I saw the target change its direction


My hopes dropped.


'Change direction, follow the target's heart' I said that in my mind repeatedly, focusing on the arrow.


To my amazement, it changed direction and is aiming onto the heart.


The arrow spun fast, having a bit of aerodynamic in it, making it go faster.


It was getting closer and I was getting even more nervous. Beads of sweat trickled down my head.


The arrow is very close to the heart.



"Success! Congrats on achieving your required task! Now you will be transported back."

VICTORY! As soon as I was back in the room with Jone on my sight, I pranced around the room, holding on to my bow. I saw Jone grinning even more when he saw me. Without me thinking twice, I hugged him. I felt myself blushing and quickly pulled away from the hug, facing the other way. I took a glance from the back and saw him stunned frozen still with his face as red as a tomato. After that awkward moment, Elissa was transported back.

"OMG! I GOT SO MANY THINGS TO TELL YOU..." Elissa shouted, eyes shining brighter than before. Typical Elissa.

Elissa went on and on about what happened to her. I tried to listen but somehow I was only looking at Jone. His hair...

'SOFIA SNAP OUT OF IT! JONE IS ELISSA'S NOT MINE!' I shouted inside my mind, trying to look away from him. No, Im starting to fall for him. I cant! Its Elissa's crush! I cannot-

"What about you, Sofia?"

Jone asked about me after Elissa finished talking.

"Erm..." I said

I started talking about what happened when I was in the Arrow Target Practice room. I got excited at the last part and told them that I could make things that are moving fast look slower from my sight and that I could control something if I focused on it.

Jone and Elissa was impressed and shocked at the same time. After all the practices, we headed back to the village on our horses.

A/n: Heya guysss! I might be adding a new character into the book. He (Yep, another he besides Jone!) will appear the next chapter and will be helping them out! More romance would come though... XD I think this is the longest chapter ive ever done! OMG I HOPE IT IS NOT TOO LONG!! Sorry if it is too long... please comment if its too long. Ill try to shorten it...

WTF 1000 WORDS IN THIS SINGLE CHAPTER ( INCLUDING THIS A/N!!) I must be crazy!! Ahh... please tell me if you want it to be shorter or not!! DX

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