chapter five: the wierd

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Jen's prospective
My friends where in the kitchen Em was sitting on the counter and Sam looked like she was going to kill her oh boy I thought, Em looked over at me he eyes turned to ice when she saw me. "You mother fucking hitch!" She screeched she looked pissed dear Lord let me live through what ever she is mad about. "You got the hay lay didn't you was it good, did he have abbs be cause you know how I like um !" She finished with a purr and had an evil gleam in her eyes, "That's what your mad about seriously?" I asked with a scowl she just smiled, "Yup, now fill it and spill it my good friend of mine!" She said with a growl at the end and yes indeed I told her about his freaky eyes the whole date itself showed her the pic. "Holy hell from heaven what is up with thou eyes!" She breathlessly faning herself, "I now right but he isn't wear contacts!" She dropped mouth so did Sam, "What in the name of bloody hell!" They yelled they looked like someone told them the tooth fairy was real and had evidence no judgement to those who do believe in the tooth fairy. But seriously what the mother of pearl is up with that boy.

( Next Day )
Okay, today ignore hottie for the time 'til finding what to say to him... *scream* That sounded like Sam, I take of running and saw that Jace had her against the wall with her hands pinned down. I storm over there yank him off her then *SMACK* my hand made contact with the side of his face to my horror both my hand and his face made a *Crack*, I cried out in pain he grabbed his face it was purple and blue, I had broke his jaw, and just like that Ace was at my side grabbed Jaces throat and slammed him into the wall and literally snarled his glowing eyes were back but not with lust but hatred. He looked over his shoulder at me, "Are you ok?" I slowly nodded and with that he turned back to Jace and whispered into his ear and he whispered something back and Ace instantly let go of him and pick me up into arms like you would hold a sleeping child and took me to the nurses office.

Yup it was broken they bandaged my hand, "Can I talk to you?" He asked still angry about earlier dear God he is going to dump me because I slapped his friend, I go quite he walks me to my apartment, I open my door when he asks quietly, "Can I come in?" A lump forms in my throat, and I remember my friends are staying with thier parents because it's Friday and they wont be back til Sunday night my heart started beating in my chest like a gun ready to take out a whole army. I nodded, he slowly walked into my giant apartment, "I...ummm...Im-" he started but I interrupted, "If your going to say your breaking up with me because I hit your friend I get it!" I said annoyed at him, I looked back at him his eyes are glowing bright green... He was angry shit-, " That's not what im trying to say!" He yelled angrily, I flinched and a wash of guilt washed all over his face he walk over to me and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry I yelled at you I was going to say I was sorry how my friend treated your friend..." He said softly, I pulled back he flinched, I ignored that and kissed him hard he responded quickly. He pushed me against the counter, he kissed me deeply his hands in my hair, "Can I stay?" He said horsley I nodded he picked me up at to my room where me and him stayed all night long.

Aces prospective
I was walking to class when I heard Jennifer scream out in pain, I dropped my stuff and ran to the niose Jen was holding her hand and Jace was holding his face that was now blue and purple, Sam was on the floor with tears running down her face, I charged at Jace slamming him against the wall and snarled, "What the hell did you do to my mate and her friend?" I snarled/ whispered he looked shell shocked, "I didn't do anything alpha I just was with Sam and she screamed and I grabbed her and Jen ran over and slapped me... I ment no harm to your mate." Jace whispered still holding his bloody nose and bruised face. I asked Jen if she was alright before I let go of Jace then I picked her up and took her to the nurse... her hand was broken I will punish Jace for this, "Can I talk to you?" I asked yes it sounded harsh but I was in a bad mood at the moment so I can be harsh if I want to she flinched ... great now I feel bad.

I walked her to the door and asked to come in she nodded yes I can her her heard beating rapidly, "I" she interrupted me, "if your going to break up with me cause I hit your friend I totally understand!" She said annoyed okay I yelled and she flinched like I slapped her..... God what is wrong with me i walk over to her and pull her into my arms and explained what I was going to say, she pulled away shit I really messed up to my surprise she kissed me hard I kissed her back with the same way she did and pushed her against the counter, "Can I stay?" I say in a horsey voice she nodded holy shit what am I getting into? I stayed with her the whole night and showed her how much I loved her.

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