Flashbacks and phone calls

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Eva didn't tell me anything wonder what it is.....  Still no sign of Harry. Eva walked out the door hands in hands with Sky and Ty. "EVA!!!" I screamed. Tyler turned around "No Shouting !!! Mommy says not to and only scream or yell at the park!" he scolded me. Eva just laughed. "You wanna know what mommy does when we scream or shout in other places?" Skyler asked me. "What?" "10 minutes time out!" they both said. "So Mr. Horan go to the corner when we get home!" Skyler said. Eva just chuckled. "fine" I said in defeat. "Come on you two " Eva said and they walked out the door. I hear a muffled laugh  , I turned around and see Liam there and video taping it "Did you see all of that?" I asked. "Yep! going on twitter!!!" He said . Then he runs out before I could chase him.



How could she? I can't believe it. I passed Mrs. Jones, Skyler and Tyler. Tyler eating cookies and milk and watching Toy Story and then Skyler checking herself out in the mirror  and making funny faces. Tylers just like Niall and Liam and Skyler is just like Zayn and Louis. I walked to the parking lot and pulled out my phone and called Taylor she picked up the phone "Hey baby!" she said. "How could you?" I said angrily.

"How could I what?" she asked innocently. "Oh don't you give me that inncoent voice I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" I shouted. Then Niall came up to me. "Mate, don't let Skyler and Tyler hear you yelling or your gonna be in time out I learned that the hard way" He chuckled making me laugh a little. Niall went to the car. "Did what?" She asked. "5 YEARS AGO! SENDING EVA THAT TEXT!" I screamed angrily. "I DID IT BECAUSE SHE WAS A GOLD DIGGER SHE ONLY LOVES YOU BECAUSE OF THE FAME!" She screamed back. "NO SHE IS NOT A GOLD DIGGER!" I screamed back. "IS TOO WHAT DO YOU CALL ALL THE JEWLERY SHE OWNS!" She screamed getting angry. "I BOUGHT HER THAT AS GIFTS. SHE NEVER ASKED AND IF SHE WANTED SOMETHING SHE WOULD BUY IT WITH HER OWN MONEY!" I screamed. Then I hear fake sobbing. "You know what?  I'm breaking up with you." I said and hung up. I turned around and saw Evander.

(A/N No hate towards Taylor)   

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