Chase Racenvotel

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"As we go through the history of the Racentovels,you may see that history may be sucessful with lots of effort and hard work. But,this generation may be a bit different as we see through the history of a 15-year-old Racentovel ,named Chase. This is how it all happened!"
In Rome,Italy.......
A cute baby was born in a hospital in Rome. His parents were smiling,Scott and Clarissa Racenvotel looked at their dear son. He has eyes as brown as his father,skin as tan as his mother,teeth as white as both his parents.

Clarissa said,"I'll name my son Chase Racenvotel. Welcome to the world,Chase."
He smiled as his parents cuddled him.

On the first day at his house, Scott showed his son and wife his gymnastics and the baby giggled and smiled. One day,his mother had a terrible comma and had to be sent to the clinical hostel. Scott felt his hot tears rolling down his cheeks and landed on his wife's hand while carrying his two-month-old son.
Clarissa said,"Dear Scott, please take care of our dear son."
She died. Scott cried louder and carried his son to the car. He knew that one day he will take care of Chase.

In Barcelona, Spain,
A young lady was sitting on the bleachers,smiling as she held her pregnant tummy. She was watching her husband,who works as a bullfighter. Marcus Sanchez,a charming yet cunning man was wearing a charming suit with lace trousers and flinty,black shoes. A black,bold bull was in front of him,feeling angry as smoke came out of its ears.
"Easy peasy!"boasted Marcus as he held the red cloth in front of him.
His wife cheered,"Go,Marcus. I know you can do it!" But her pregnant tummy made her feel pain so she sat down and let out a small shriek. The angry bull let its foot scraped the sand as it tries to take down its opponent. Its opponent may be strong, but it can defeat him.
The referee shouted,"ARE YOU READY?3.........2.........1!"
The gun bullet released itself as fast as lightning as it reaches the sky. Marcus sprinted to the bull as fast as he could but it was strong yet fast. It charges itself to him and with a graceful slide, the bullfighter did a skillful aerial above the bull as it saw his opponent's glide. Thanks to his wife's acrobtic skills ,he will be able to win all his bullfighting games. After landing himself on the ground, he boasted while waving to his fans. But he didn't see the bull zooming behind.
Daniella warned,"Marcus,BEHIND YOU!"
Before Marcus could turn back,the horns of the bull headbutted his back. Lots of blood came out and his spine was damaged. He couldn't even move! The bull stared at his opponent and grunted happily even though his horn looks bloody. His wife and fans were shocked even an old lady wearing a "Support Marcus Sanchez,le Magnificiant!"fainted after the sight of her faithful hero. Marcus lied lifelessly as he said his wife's name. He can't let her down and he wanted to see his baby. Daniella ran to her husband and held her husband's hand.
Marcus said his last words,"Daniella,love. As you bore our baby child,always tell him to stay strong and always remember me because when he is born, I 'll be gone and always be with him no matter the time when God will take your life away and make our son an orphan."
He died lifelessly and was sent to heaven. Daniella felt endless tears roll down her cheeks and cried as she held her husband's bloody hand. Everyone went back home with heavy hearts as their hero died after a bullfight crash.
3 days later......
Daniella,wearing her black dress with cute,white ribbons and her black sandals cried as she saw her husband's funeral. She has to remarry before her future son becomes an orphan and she doesn't want it! With an umbrella on top of her hat in a stormy afternooon, she wanted to go home and have a good cry. But a voice disoriented her.
"It's so sad to lose someone you love and it leaves to difficult consequences,right?"
Daniella turned her head and saw a handsome yet tall guy with an umbrella on top of his head. He was wearing a tuxedo with polished,black shoes.
Daniella shouted "Who are you and why are you here?"
The man answered,"I am Caesar De Vouch ,the butler of the Racentovels,a famous acrobating family. I am here because my master was feeling despreated as his first wife died after she suffered from a desparating comma. He just had her for a year but lost her like her life was taken. Just like your husband. Maybe both of them died at the same day. Daniella shook her head as she agrees the butler's statement.
Caesar added," You should marry my master if you don't want him to be an orphan,right?Some orphanages have bad masters!"
Before she could agreee with Caesar, she kneeled down and held her pregnant tummy.
The butler shouted,"What's wrong?"
The desparate woman cried,"My water broke!"
Caesar carried her to the hospital as fast as his legs could take him. Daniella pushed her baby with harder force as he watched the preganat woman suffer to get her baby.
30 minutes later........
A baby boy was born! Daniella cried as she carried her newborn son. Caesar watched her and the baby boy. He smiled as the baby boy and his mother were smiling at each other. Caesar really wished that Scott,his master could see this relation and Daniella do want her husband to see their baby son but he's gone,gone for good!
Caesar said ,"What do you name this beautiful baby,sweetheart?"
Daniellla answered,"Marco Sanchez,the name before my ex-husband,Marcus Sanchez. I hope that he will grow up as strong as he was for 35 years."
Both Caesar and Daniella smiled as they saw the arrival of the baby boy with tan skin and cute,brown eyes that twinkled like stars in a starry night.
2 days later.......
The wedding between Scott Racentovel and Daniella Sanchez was a good wedding. The baby boy was sleeping soundly on the arms of Caesar. He smiled at the baby boy and to Daniella but frowned as he saw her depressed face.
"Daniella,maybe life would be easier if your husband was there!"
She also hope that her new life is going to be great but her life with Marcus was better.
As she reached the Racentovels'household,she held her baby,covered with a pink blanket. He showed her the room she's going to stay and the baby to sleep. Daniella smiled and locked the room.
She opened the blanket and saw her son,smiling and moving around on his comfortable blanket. His mother smiled and held her baby while singing a lullaby to make him feel comfy.
Caesar opened her door and shouted,"Daniella,you will have to hurry in order to get some information of his house and life now. Be there by six sharp,k!"
Daniella held her "ok" sign at him.
She covered her baby with the blanket again and laid him in a cradle.
"Sleep tight,Marco!"said his mother gently.
She then took her fedora and raced to the atrium. Her new husband was sitting on his chair ,looking at Daniella as she sat at her own chair. His 2-year-old son,Chase was beside his father shouting his name a thousand times.
Scott scolded,"Chase,please!"
The toddler stared at his father with sad,puppy eyes with awe and tension but his butler carried him to his room. Caesar struggled to get the little boy back to his room.
As Scott and Daniella were having their talk, the sound of crying disoriented the whole household.Scott became annoyed and yelled at his new wife,
"What's that noise that disturbed our pep talk?"
Daniella became embarrased because that crying came from her baby son.
She said,"Um,I had to go,right now!"
The annoyed Scott shouted,"Fine,darling. Go to your room but be right back!"
Daniella smiled and raced to her room. When she reached the room,she shut her door with a great sigh.
"Man,that's close!"she thought.
Marcus was crying on his cradle,feeling thirsty. Daniella fed him milk and he sucked it happily.
As she saw her son,she had forgotten about her promise to Scott. This made him angry and decided to make another conversation with her.
Dinner was served. Daniella was having fun with the staff and Scott himself. They talk about so many things. even Chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate espically acrobats. Both of them talked about how their first husband and wife died before their kids were even born.
But,a thought struck her head ! She has to see Marco before he cries and Scott gets annoyed with that sound. She immeadiately left the dinner table and ran to her room before Scott knows where she is going!
She can't tell the secret of her son to the Racentovel household right now!

Marco Racentovel-Sanchez/Speed=Stunts the Speedstinger
Chase Racentovel/Masked Acrobat=Richochete the Speedstinger
Scott Racentovel=Mario Baravardo
Caesar De Vouch=Eli Shane
Champ=Banger the Armashelt
Dream=Rocky the Hop Rock
Timothy Kres=Bludgeon the Ramstone
Daniella Sanchez=Bonnie
Marcus Sanchez=Twist
Clarissa Racentovel= Dana Por
Kristi Tion=Yin the Slicksilver
Bull= Bull

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