5. Spying?

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"spying is rude Hoseok" Jimin said.
"But screaming in a restaurant is normal?"
"..Shut up" jimin pouted.
"stop it please I'm eating" Jin interrupted them.
"wait shhh! Oh my god what did he do?!" Hoseok whispered while spying the others.

Meanwhile you~

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a minute, I'll be right back" Taehyung said and walked away.
"so y/n, Taehyung didn't really gave us the chance to talk. So how old are you?" Jungkook asked.
"I'm 18 years old" you said.
"aaah 18 so that makes me your oppa hm?"
"euhm, i guess so...?" you said kinda awkward.
"oh! I still got something for you" you grabbed the drawing and hand it over to jungkook.
"wow.. Did you make this? Thank you it's awesome!"
"but with this one Lilly helped a bi- ...OH MY GOD I FORGOT LILLY. WHERE IS MY PHONE?!" you panicked.
"Y/n calm down! Jin dropped her off at home. She's really sweet he said" Jungkook calmed you.
"Aah.. Good. Yeh she is sweet" you said smiling"
"But I think you're even sweeter" Jungkook said and he came closer.
Than he wanted to pick your hand?! But at that moment Taehyung joined you again and Jungkook grabbed his glass juice instead of your hand.
"So shall we get some food? It's all you can eat!" Taehyung said while staring at how red Kookie's face was.
"Ehm.. Are you okay maknae?" He said.
"yeah why?" Jungkook said.
"well, you look like a tomato"
"ehh, it's just hot out here" he lied.
"Okay, well then let's just go" Taehyung got up from his chair but he accidentally spilled his ice tea all over your shirt.
"waahhhh that's coldddd!!" you screamed. You felt the ice cubes slip down in your shirt. Everyone in the restaurant looked at you.
"Aahh I'm sorry" Taehyung said. Again.
You could hear a lot of facepalms at a table on your left. What? The other boys are here too?
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Taehyung apologized a thousand times while wiping the ice tea off your shirt with a napkin.
"you stupid" Jungkook said to Taehyung and helped with wiping off your shirt.

"Aahh Taehyung what did you do this time?" the other boys joined you.
"you've got some bad luck today don't ya?" Namjoon said and he led the way to the bathroom.
"Go wash up I'll wait for you here" Namjoon said.

You got in the girls bathroom and talked to yourself in the mirror.
"what the hell is going on today"
You wiped your shirt with a wet towel and some hand soap. It's better than nothing. You got a little bored so you started to sing softly. You could cause there was no-one else here.

You were done cleaning yourself and got out of the bathroom.
"You can sing very well" Namjoon Said.
"Is there anything you can't do?"
"well I'm not the best dancer" you said honestly.
"aahh I know how you feel" Namjoon said smiling.

You got back to the table and ate all you could. You just talked together and Taehyung apologized a lot about today. When you were all done it was the end of this day.
"you gotta go to bed now, we do too" Taehyung said.
"we'll drive you home" Jin said.

"I'm so so so sorry about what happened today" Taehyung apologized again.
"it's okay don't worry. I'm also very clumsy" you said.

A couple minutes later all the boys were sleeping. Aww they look so cute.
Then you felt something heavy. You looked and saw Jimin who fell asleep on your shoulder. But then the car stopped. Ahh were already there. But how am I gonna get out of this? You slowly lifted Jimin head but too bad you woke him up. "I'm sorry Jimin" you said.
"ahh it's okay. your already home? Ahh good night y/n" he said this a little too loud cause now the others woke up.
"OH, good night y/n!!" they all said half asleep.
"aah good night guys" you said and waved them goodbye when you got out the car. They waved back and one minute later the car was gone.

Don't worry this isn't the end of the fanfic!! It's just the end of the first meeting. Hope you liked it~ <3

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