Chapter 1 Rakeen and Savannah

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Rakeen and Savannah

Chapter 1

Rakeen and Galim started their evening out in the lower Manhattan area searching for vampires. The area always seemed to have the most action. This night didn't disappoint them. The moment they stepped out of the parking garage the sent of death and blood hit their nose.

Rakeen's nostrils flared as he took in the putrid scent of vampires. “Smells like it's going to be a good night.” He smiled over at Galim.

Galim was always a little more intense when he was out searching for vampires. “We got our work cut out for us.” he frowned as they followed the rancid scent.

Turning down a long poorly lit alley their senses led them to an old friend. Crouched down by a dumpster Simon glanced up from his early evening snack. “Hello gentlemen” He grinned widely showing his sharp bloody fangs. “If I would have known you were coming I would have saved a little for you.” His smile widened as he held up the pale lifeless body of a man he had just drained.

Galim reached into his backpack and pulled out a wooden stake and slammed it quickly into the heart of the man Simon snacked on, just to be sure he was dead. “Thought you gave up human blood.” He twisted his face in disgust as he watched Simon lick blood from his fingers as if he were lapping up a delicious treat.

Simon casually shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands giving a sweet innocent look. “Let's just call this a moment of weakness.” he smirked and looked over his shoulder. Standing behind him was Rakeen holding a wooden stake about to ram it straight into his heart. “Cheryl take care of that.” Simon swiftly moved to the other side of the street. Cheryl, Simon's vampire friend grabbed Rakeen from the back and yanked the stake out of his hand.

Rakeen and Galim were now surrounded by four female vampires. Simon stood on top of the large dumpster rubbing his chin watching his harem surround the vampire slayers. “Take care of them ladies. While I find us a nice dessert for the night.” Simon zipped away using his vampire speed.

Rakeen and Galim were left standing back to back encircled by the 4 vampire temptresses.

The first female jumped at Galim with her razor sharp fangs and claw like nails and raked them along his chest leaving for deep long gashes. He grabbed his chest in pain as it burned like it were on fire. Galim shifted to heal and end the pain. As the vampire approached him again he kicked her sending her flying back a few feet into the alley. Smashing into the wall hard she fell straight to the ground. She quickly jumped up and dashed back over to Galim mouth opened fangs out ready to bite and kill. Galim grabbed a long sharp pole off the ground and as she ran to him he thrust the rod into her heart, she let out an ear-piercing screech and exploded into a pile of dust.

The other three were now all attacking Rakeen. Rakeen possessed the greatest strength of all the knights, all three ladies couldn't bring him down. One lady wriggled onto his back and bit him. The venom from the bite caused a stinging burning pain to surge through his veins and forced him to shift. When he shifted he snatched the vampire off his back and turned and wrapped his large lupine mouth around her small neck. He squeezed tight holding her down. Galim seeing that he held her immobile grabbed a stake out his backpack and surged it through her heart and she burst into flames and then her ashes blew away.

The two remaining vampires stood strategically watching trying to decipher the best way to kill the men. The first using her vampire speed ran quickly flipped over Galim landing on his back. The other picked up a stake and drove it into his chest, she grinned proudly at her accomplishment. Galim roared in pain, but didn't die. Rakeen raised and eyebrow and laughed loudly at her. “We don't die like that.” He uttered in his deep scratchy wolf voice. The stake slid from Galim's chest as the wound closed. Rakeen picked it up and shoved it straight into the chest of the temptress that tried impaling Galim.

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