Chapter 1

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         The alarm clock went off. 6 o'clock in the morning. Nadine quickly rose from her bed and went straight to her sister's room.

"Wake up sleepy head!!" she said, as she went on top of her sister's bed and began to jump up and down.

" Why wasn't my door locked," Kathryn complained as she tried to reach for a pillow to throw at her sister.

" It's our first day of school, my senior year and your junior year of high school. We can't be late!"

Nadine suddenly went down from jumping and sat at the edge of Kathryn's bed. Kathryn took that as an opportunity to throw the pillow she was holding at her sister.

" Ouch," Nadine said as if she threw it hard," What was that for?" Kathryn rose from her bed and looked at her sister with a smirk on her face. She yawns and stretches her arms.

" I think you know what that was for."

" Fine... I deserved that. Now get out of bed."

          Once they got to the kitchen, their Yaya, Ate Rosemarie, or Ate Rose for short, was already making them their favorite breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes.

" Wow Kath! Awake so early I see?" She tease.

" Blame her," she points at Nadine. "If it was up to me I'd sleep the whole day." They ended up laughing. Ate Rose while cooking the pancakes, gave both of them mango juice.

" Ate, sorry can I have coffee instead please?" Kathryn asked.

" Sure," Ate Rose replied.

" Kath, don't waste the mango juice," Nadine teased. Kath slides her the cup of mango juice," Here you go then, you drink it."

" Fine... I will." Nadine grabbed the drink and took a small sip, then stuck her tongue out at Kathryn. Mango juice was her favorite drink, so she wasn't complaining.

" Unlike you Ate Nadz, I need caffeine to stay awake in the morning." Coffee was Kath's.

" Okay fine I get it," she replied as she drank her sister's mango juice.

" Oh before I forget," Ate Rose said as she placed the pancakes on the girls' plates, " Tonight you both are going to a party, parents' order so no excuses."

" Party?" Nadine asked, making sure she heard her right.

" Yes, it's an event for..." Ate Rose looked around the counter until she found the invitation," the grand opening of the Braxton's newest resort and country club. One of your parents' business partners I believe." The girls took the invitation. What else could they do? They decided that they will go straight home after school just so they have enough time to pick their outfits for the evening, being that it was short notice.

          Nadine and Kathryn arrived at school right on time. Without surprise, all eyes were on them as they walked through the halls. Since Kathryn was a junior and Nadine a senior, the girls parted ways and headed for their classes. Nadine had calculus first period. In the class with her were the rest of the Elites, Elizabeth Wendy Valentino, Enrique Felix Montgomery, Daniel Jay Archibald, and Marlo Alexander Lockwood. They were all soon joined by Kathryn at lunchtime.

" Are you guys going to the grand opening of the Braxton Resort and Country Club this afternoon?" Nadine asked the group.

" Yup," Daniel replied. He went back to eating his meatball sub.

" I won't say no to partying," Enrique added. Liza rolled her eyes at him, but then nodded yes to Nadine's question. She couldn't speak since she was still chewing on her food.

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