part 1: Max

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Note: Hi everyone. So this is my first time writing. But i'm doing my best so I hope you enjoy it. There will be some confusions and questions on the middle of the story but they will become clear on the later parts so I hope you stick till the end. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.


Hi! I'm Max.

I am an ordinary teenager and i have what you can call an ordinary life...but thats about to change.

Some facts about me. I'm 16 years old and currently in high school. I live with my mom and younger sister. My father passed away when i was 10. He got hit by a car when he tried to save a little girl. He is my hero and I look up to him.

From birth till now, I've live an ordinary life. I go to school everyday like a person my age would do, hang out with my friends like a person my age would do, and basically do things you would expect people age of me would do.

Well, anyway, today's monday so as you would expect, i'm getting ready for school and doing my usual morning routines not expecting the grimm events that's about to unravel.

"Breakfast is ready", shouted my mom from the kitchen. I could already smell the bacon and the eggs.

"Ok,coming!", I shouted.

After eating and taking a bath, I rode my bicycle and headed straight for school.

"Good morning Max", greeted the girl who suddenly appeared on my back.

" Oh hey. Good morning". I greeted back to her.

This beautiful girl with a long dark hair and a glowing brown eyes is Chloe. She lives a few house from mine. She's a childhood friend and we've been classmates since kindergarten. She look stunning in her uniform riding her bike with the wind blowing her hair like she's one of those girls on shampoo commercials.

"How was your weekend?", she asked.

" Just fine. As usual, i stayed home and watched tv and played video games all weekend. How about you?"

"You know the usual eat then sleep then eat then sleep.", interrupted by a mohawked hair boy." Good morning to you two who are being lovey dovey early in the morning."

"Hey! Good morning Luke.

This goofy guy right here is Luke. He's also a childhood friend and a classmate from kindergarten 'till now. He is smarter and more energetic than me. More impotantly, he is handsomer which is why he is very popular with the girls at school.

We three are what you can call best friends.

We talked and joked and laughed on the way to school. Our school is not that far. We barely made it before the bell rang and the gates were closed. Good grief because the guard of the gates is our strict P.E. teacher. As punishment, he always make the late students run 10 laps around the school tracks.

" Thank God we made it in time.",exclaimed Luke

"Right. Welp, we better get to our room now cause class about to start".

Time dragged slowly in class. The first subject is Science which is my favorite from grade school till it got too complicated in high school. The teacher rambled on nonstop about quantum physics, theories about time and space and other stuffs that seemed he and only a few of my classmates understand. Next subject is History and time moved slower than ever.



" Uunghh. That felt like forever", sighed Luke like the boredom took all of his energy.

"Oh shush. You weren't even listening. You're asleep half the time.", Chloe.

" Have you watched See You In Another Life last saturday?". I asked

"Oh! That action movie ? Yeah man. It was totally awesome! Brad Pitt was so badass. He was all like Bam! Bam!", said Luke whose eyes glittered once again with enthusiasm.

"Yeah. I saw it too. The action was great and the leading lady was so gorgeous.", commented Chloe.

"I know right. I particularly loved the scene where Brad Pitt was surrounded by the enemy and he bombarded them with gunshots". I mimicked the actors action and held my hands as if holding a gun and pointed them at my classmates and acted as if I'm shooting them.

But then, something gruesome happened. Something that no one of us would expect, even would imagine. Bullets flew out of my hand as if I'm holding a real gun and hit my classmates. Blood spurtted out of their body as they fall and time seemed to slow down. Everything was on slow motion

What just happened? Did I just fired real bullets with an imaginary gun? Did I just killed my classmates? Many questions filled my mind that moment and I did not know what to think.

" Aaaarrgghhhhhh".

The scream of my classmates as they saw the bloodied bodies lying lifeless on the ground scared me. Even though I don't really know what just happened or is it really me that killed them, I became so scared that I started running away without really thinking.

"Max! Wait!", shouted Luke and Chloe as they run after me.

I run for the nearest restroom and locked the the door.

" Ok, I need to calm myself. I need to really analyze what happened back there. Deep Ok. Let's think I was pretending to hold a gun and aimed it at them. And then i pretend shoot and they were really got hit...wait!... That's impossible right. There's no way to shoot for real with imagine guns right. Wait, so am I hallucinating. Oh my God. Am I losing my mind?"

"Max! Open the door... Max! ". They have been nonstop knocking on the door and calling out for me. But then, the shouting and knocking suddenly stopped.

There was a deafening silence.

For a long moment there was only silence. A total silence.


The knocking on the door came back but I knew that whatever is knocking is not my friend anymore.


The banging on the door grew stronger and I know what's behind that door is not human. You can tell from the strenght of the banging that it was somthing different.

The door broke open and the creature behind the door reveal itself to me. Max cannot believe what he just saw.


Did Max really killed his classmates? What did he just saw? Stay tuned and find out on the next chapters. Thank's for reading the first part . I hope you enjoyed it.

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