part 2: Confusions

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The door flew open.

I froze at the horrifying figure that stood before me. It was a horrible creature. It barely resembled a man. It was a beast. It was big, just a little over the door's height so it was bending a little bit forward. It have sharp claws with blood from its previous victims dripping on it . Its figure is like on of those grotesquely big body builders but they appear to be rotten as if its a decaying body. Its yellow eyes focused on me as if focused on its next target, with fangs flashing from its open mouth as if it could already taste the flesh of its next victim.

"Guuaaaaarrgghh!!!", growled the monster as it readied to attack. It stepped back a little bit and then plunged itself forward, reaching for its next meal.

I still stood there frozen, but as the monster's fang was just inches away from me, I screamed, finally realizing the danger in front of me and that I'm about to die.

" Is this the end?... Am I really going to die now without even knowing what is really happening. I'm still so young to die. There are still many things I want to do. I dont want to I don't want to. Not just yet." . I thought these to myself as death got closer and closer to me.


The monster dropped only a centimeter from me.

I stared at the monster that is now dead . I stared as the once ferocious creature that tried to kill me lay still in front of me.

"Hey! Sam! What yah doing there shaking like a baby like it's your first time seeing a REAPER. Hurry and get your lazy ass moving. We need to hurry. These place is swarming with damn reapers."

It was Chloe's voice.

I looked up. There I saw Luke and Chloe standing at the door. I was so happy to see them. But something felt different about them.

"Hey Sam! Where is your weapon? And what's up with your outfit man?", said Luke.

" My outfit?". I turned to look at the mirror. I was wearing my school uniform. We are in school so why is he asking me like it was a strange thing? I looked back at them.

Now I know why I thought something felt different about them. They are not wearing their uniforms. Instead, they are wearing strange clothes which looked like a battle suit straight out from a scifi movie. What's more bizzare is that they are carrying big guns and other weapons with them. How long was I in the bathroom for them to be able to change into those costumes? And where did they got those weapons?

"I should be the one asking you that. And more importantly, waht the heck is going on here ? What the hell is this monster?"

Luke and Chloe looked at each other and then to me.

"Sam, what the hell are playing at. We don't have time to be messing around. We need to get back to camp now. "

Sam? Why do they keep calling me that name?

"Why do you keep calling me Sam?",

They looked at each other again as if confused by what I'm sayng.

" Sam, we really don't have time to be joking. We need to hurry or the Reapers will gain on us.", said Chloe.

Why do they keep on insisting on calling me Sam?

" I SAID....I...AM ...NOT...SAM!!". I shouted angrily at them. Them calling me by other name angered me and all the confusions about what's really happening made me snap.

"Ok...ok. Then, if your not Sam, then who are you?", said Luke almost mockingly.

"I'm me. Max. Your chilhood friend, remember?".

"Our only chilhood friend who looks like you is Sam, so I think that you are Sam....and you're just messing around with us in here.", said Chloe with full conviction that she is right.

" I am not Sam!! I am.....


The terrifying sound interrupted our argument.

"Ok Max(sarcastically said), let's save the what's my name joke of yours later. Right now, we need to run or the Reapers will kill us.".Luke's face turned into that of a serious man."Here's some weapon for you.". He throw a riffle at me.


" I'ts getting closer! Hurry!"

The two started running. Even though I have no grasp as to what's really happening, I run after them. I obviously don't want to encounter the viscious creature again.

As I made my way out of the restroom, I could not believe my eyes. The school building that is just a moment ago in good condition and looked new because it was just recently renovated, was now in ruin and shambles. The further we run, the more I could see the sorry state of the building. It looked like it hadn't been taken care of for years. Many classrooms are already destroyed which I assume must be from the lack of maintenance and from those hideous monsters.

"Hey! Pick up the pace or the monster will gain on us!", shouted Chloe to me as I was distracted from observing the surrounding.

" Uhm yeah right... so where are we going?"

"Back to the camp of course!", said Chloe without even looking back.

" And how are we gonna get there?"

"Urgh. Are you still at that. Will you pleased knock that out. It's not funny anymore.", exclaimed Luke

" I'm not joking! I really am Max!". I shouted.

"Ok fine. We're gonna ride the truck we left at the back of the school building.", explained Chloe.

" But aren't there any monster there?"

"Well yeah, probably. And that's what this guns are for", Luke waved his gun proudly. "We're gonna make them eat bullets.

" No, we sneak quietly. We need to avoid encounter as much as possible. You know we're short on supply right. We need to conserve our bullet.", scolded Chloe

"Aww, you're really no fun."

Will we really be able to get to the truck without encountering those monsters? What is this camp really? What the hell is goin on here? I need to find answers.


So that's part2. I hope you enjoyed reading so far. I hope you stick around till the end. Thank you for reading this part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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