Chapter 8: Revenge is sweet

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You were furious. Every single boy in the 104th eavesdropped on you. People could practically see the steam coming out of your ears and avoided you, at least until you burst into the mess hall. The looks on their faces resembled the one they had when fighting titans. You went up to them and slammed your hands on the table. "WHAT THE HELL!" You screamed as the mess hall cleared, very quickly. You calmed your self down and sat down but made sure they knew you were still pissed. "We're sorry" Reiner muttered. "I know." This confused them to no end. "I get that you're worried and you care but that gives you no right to spy on me and Alex, besides Alex is more pissed off than me." Just at that moment, an angry scream was heard in the distance as Alex woke up and the boys ran for their lives.

Alex came striding in with Armin and Eren being held by their collar because they were the slowest. Again, their faces carried a pained and afraid expression. She dropped them in a seat and sat opposite them, next to you. The look on Alex's face was enough for Armin to break down in tears with Eren rubbing his back. You felt bad for him but then you realised that they brought the wrath among themselves. "(Y/N), what shall their punishment be" and that was when you got the most brilliant plan ever. You whispered it to Alex and she grinned the biggest grin ever and looked at the boys with the most insane look ever.

"C'mon guys, it's not that bad." You encouraged, after seeing the horrified faces. "We are not doing this." "Fine, we're going to Shadis." The boys pondered until Bertholdt grabbed one and walked into the changing room, and the rest followed. Laughs echoed through the hallways as the boys of 104 plus you and Alex walked through there, IN DRESSES. You tried so hard not to laugh, but failed miserably. "(Y/N), calm down." Alex laughed, not as hard as you though. The boys went bright red when the girls of 104 turned up. "Oh my God" Sasha squealed while hugging Connie. Even Mikasa had a hint of a smile on her face. "You do realise it is training in half a hour" Annie stated, sending you and Alex running back to your room.

You were outside, lined up until Shadis told you that it was 3DMG practice. You were last so you could watch everyone else do it. You could hear the 104th tease Eren and he blushed bright red. It was an hour before your turn and when it came round, you had no feeling of fear or nervousness just determination. You got strapped in and lifted. Everyone looked at you, awestruck, as you balanced with absolutely no wobble. Even Shadis looked surprised. "Put her down." He shouted at the man at the lever. You were put down and went to Alex who, unlike the others, was relatively calm. Or so you thought.

As soon as you got close enough, her mask broke and she squealed loud enough to wake the dead. "Oh my God (Y/N), you're amazing" she squealed, barely understandable. You laughed and raised an eyebrow. In the distance, Eren was staring wide eyed and so was every other 104th cadet apart from Mikasa and Annie. Shadis told everyone to go back to the mess hall so they did.

"(Y/N)! Do you have any left over food?" Sasha asked after sitting down next to you. You throw your bread at her and sat down with Alex and the 104th. Everyone chatted for what seemed like hours and you were the first to leave. "I'm going back to the dorm and Alex, try not to wake up the whole dorm when you come back" You warned. She smirked at you and you raised an eyebrow as you left them. "Next time, ask and don't eavesdrop on us" Alex warned, with venom dripping from the words. The boys froze and the girls laughed as Alex chased after you, trying to make as much noise as possible when reached the dorm.

"Well, this is going to end badly," Jean said. "We all like (Y/N) so what happens now." He got a few denying shouts but the blush on their faces proved otherwise. He smirked and waited for an answer. (Y/N) was constantly on all their minds and it annoyed a few of them but they couldn't get her off their minds. They were so confused as to why they liked you so much but they certainly were not complaining. "I need an answer" "Lets face it, she doesn't like any of us and none of us have a shot " Armin said angrily. People were surprised but understood where he was coming from. "I give up, you people are impossible." Jean stormed out off the mess hall with them following, one by one.

Night before graduation

You woke up from another nightmare in a cold sweat and noticed Alex in the bed above you, sleeping peacefully and you envied her. It was about 4:00 am so you decided to go explore the forest. You walked for a while until you heard a twig snap. Normal people would have run away but the curiosity was irrefusable. You got closer to the noise but when you got there, there was nothing. When you were about to leave, you saw a shadow or at least you thought you had. You squinted your eyes but when you saw nothing, you sped walked back to the mess hall just in time for breakfast feeling a little freaked out.

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