Chapter 14: Tranquility and Handcuffs

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Over time, things got calmer. The secret stayed between your friends and you had calmed down. You thanked Levi as he complained about how heavy you were as he complained about everything else as usual. You were happy. 'Were' being the key word there. Of course life wouldn't let you be happy for long. Not the kidnapper this time, but pigs. Yes, I said pigs.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a miss (Y/N) (L/N)" asked the military police looking for you for a not good reason. Eventually they found you. "Miss (Y/N), you are under arrest for murder." They said, enjoying this a little too much as they stuck the cuffs around your wrists. You were too shocked to move or resist. They shoved you into the wagon very forcefully and at that moment your friends came outside. Robbie came racing towards you to be held back by at least 3 military police and even then they had trouble holding him back.

"May I ask why you are arresting miss (Y/N) (L/N)?". Erwin asked politely even though inside he wanted to crack someone's skull open. "She is under arrest for the murder of 49 children that were previously held captive with her. We have evidence that she killed them so we are taking her into custody." That's the part they didn't understand. What evidence? How were the military police possibly intelligent enough to actually figure it out? You decided to speak up. "You have an anonymous lead, don't you?" You asked. "Yes but how did you know?" One of the military police asked. That was when it clicked for the rest of them. You laid down in the wagon, accepting your fate. However one word from Hanji soon made you sit up. "No." That was it but you knew exactly what it meant, plus you had never seen Hanji so serious. The whole group stood in a line, all looking so badass as well. "You can take her from us but we will not rest until we get her back." At this point, the military police looked like they peed themselves and Erwin was smirking in the sidelines. "She is our family and sister. She has fought and survived and has done more for us than any of you ever will." Robbie said with anger clear on his face. The military police were slowly backing away. "We've saved the damn girl too many times to have her die now." Levi said. LEVI. The wagon set into motion with you still in it as all the soldiers gave you a heartfelt salute, wishing you luck.

"We need to do something." Hanji said. "What the hell do we do now." Alex said with a single tear going down her face. Robbie went and hugged her and she went bright red and he smirked. He knew she liked him and loved to tease her. The problem is, he liked her back (otp!) Back to the problem, "don't worry, we will get her back." Robbie said fiercely. "We need a plan," Erwin said. "Really, because I didn't see you joining us back there." Levi barked with even more of a frown on his face than usual. Erwin frowned at this but said nothing. "Stop it, the matter at hand is way more important that your petty little argument." Hanji barked. The two men looked surprised and then shrunk away. Hanji was not one to be messed with when she was angry. "They have an anonymous lead but that isn't enough to kill her, just arrest her so that gives us time." They looked relieved. "But didn't you say there was a gun with her fingerprints on it?" Eren said and people tensed up again. "Eren not helping" Jean said through his teeth. "Well at least I said something." He said back. "Boys neither of you are helping." Mikasa shouted at them and they all settled down. "We need a plan but for now I am going to visit as soon as possible because right now she needs a friend."

They got a lot of dirty looks from the MP's as they walked through the court house where Eren was severely beaten and into the dungeon where Eren was kept. Overall, bad for Eren. They reached the cell and saw you layed on the bed with your eyes open. "(Y/N) we're here to see you." You kept quiet and didn't move. Hanji tried to tell you about her titans but ended up with her head under Levi's foot, Jean tried to talk but was interrupted by Eren and they were both silenced by Erwin, Krista reasurred you that you would be alright and Ymir smiled at her cuteness, Bertholdt was sweating profusely and Reiner was quite nervous as well, Sasha was looking sorry while eating a potato and Connie had the same look but no potato, Mikasa was really upset as she really cared for you and she remembered how Eren was treated when he was there, Levi wanted to punch a hole in the wall, Erwin felt the same and Annie didn't bother to go. Robbie and Alex however were stood in the corner with the angriest look on their faces. The military police were already scared of them so this didn't help. "(Y/N) talk to us please" Jean begged.

"She can't, she has been tranquilised with etorphine"

A/N: I decided to upload this because I am on holiday and in a good mood. Also, 2 and a half K!!! Best day ever!!

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