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audrey: show me what dat tongue do

audrey: show me what dat tongue do

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justin: you already know 😏

audrey: i seemed to have forgot

justin: come here and i'll show you

latavia: yall are freaky

latavia: i'd pay to watch you two fuck

maejor: whAt

avery: me too latavia

khalil: me three

ryan: tbhh only for audrey

khalil: ^

justin: 😒

maejor: yall are annoying and weird

maejor: i miss za @ latavia what's wrong with him

latavia: haven't spoken to him since yesterday

latavia: he won't answer me

ryan: all of you are stupid

audrey: you're stupid

khalil: ^

latavia: why what happened ryan

ryan: he left after audrey and justin were flirting with each other

ryan: before he got with you he had feelings for audrey when the two were broken up

ryan: he obviously still likes audrey

avery: sorry to say this just now but he did tell me about having feelings for her but he wasn't sure how he felt

avery: sorry latavia 😒

latavia: @ ryan hmu boo

maejor: after all that you tell ryan to hit you up 😂

latavia: za can kma .. can't believe he's still hung up on her

audrey: i feel bad

ryan: damn


maejor: remind me never to leave avery alone with justin

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maejor: remind me never to leave avery alone with justin

khalil: now is not the time for this 😂

justin added za to the conversation.

justin: za

za: i left for a reason

khalil: we know the reason

latavia: break up with me now or continue to like a girl who's with someone else?

audrey: yall should do this privately ..

justin: ^

latavia: nope, the squad is involved

khalil: why tho

ryan: just talk privately pls


justin: why

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justin: why

maejor: new profile pic 😂

za: im sorry

maejor: what

maejor: oh

latavia: sorry doesn't answer my question

za: i'd like to be single for now then

avery: no what

audrey: we're not deleting latavia from the gc 😒

za: you don't have to

za left the conversation.

ryan: depressing


ok then

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