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audrey: lil chubby cheeks

audrey: my lil snow bunny awww alsudj

ryan: it's three in the morning audrey

audrey: ditto bitch

ryan: you woke me up 🙂

audrey: and

ryan: you know what go ahead an fangirl over your own boyfriend 🖕🏻

audrey: i will, thank you very much.

audrey: hahahahahahhahahahaha

za: why is everything so much funnier 3 in the morning 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀

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za: why is everything so much funnier 3 in the morning 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀

ryan: if justin EVER

za: #stopjustin2k16

ryan: #stopjustin5ever

audrey: leave my baby alone 😂😂😂

audrey: can we just

za: hailey is that you 💀

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za: hailey is that you 💀

ryan: wait i thought that was her kehshj

audrey: ariana got no chill either 😂

ryan: you are right za everything is funnier 3 in the morning

audrey: it wasn't even that funny and i laughed so loud i woke justin up

justin: yeah thanks

ryan: latavia's next to me but she's a heavy sleeper

za: go to sleep snow bunny bieber

justin: kys

za: im gonna do it one day bc you're bullying me

justin: says the bully who bullies me 25/8

audrey: awww babyyy

justin: don't do that stop cooing at me 😂

ryan: don't pigeons coo

za: you're an idiot man 😂

audrey: coo means to talk in a soft voice .. like how moms talk to babies 😂 like how i talk to justin

justin: which is completely embarrassing

audrey: love you boo

justin: mhm

today at 9:30 am

khalil: you all have issues

maejor: im so happy i muted the chat last night 😂

khalil: i heard my phone vibrating but i was too lazy to get it

latavia: ryan never went to sleep

latavia: he's up cooking which he never does and he's singing company like ok

audrey: we were all on oovoo until like 6 am 😂

audrey: group ft needs to be a thing bc oovoo is ass

za: tru tru

justin: i regret not going to sleep

ryan: no you don't

za: you and audrey are some freaky mufuckas man 😂😂

audrey: ok we left oovoo when we got freaky stfu 😂

latavia: dammit i wish i was there to watch

avery: ^

maejor: weird motherfuckers 😂

khalil: don't say "motherfucker" say "mufucka" because motherfucker is a weird fucking word ... mother fucker.. A MOTHER FUCKER IS A PERSON WHP FUCKS YOUR MOM



justin: it's nine in the morning 😂

khalil: we all eat differently for breakfast  bitch

audrey: justin ate my ass for breakfast

justin: i ate your 🐱 stop lyin

ryan: justin's lyin

latavia: how you know

ryan: i watched

maejor: ok that's enough for this morning bye 😂


i don't have school tomorrow bless

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