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Brad's POV

It was morning and I saw emily sleeping.
I got up and but the covers over her exposed body.
I kissed her forhead and made my way to the kitchen.

I began making breakfast for us knowing she'll be up in a few mintues.

I heard someone walking. Seconds later emily appeared with the nothing but sheets around her.


"Uh, yes please but I came to ask where my clothes were packed."

"Right I'm so sorry, there in my room. They should be already labeled clothes. "

"Okay, cool I'll be back."

She walked away and then let the covers drop. She looked back at me and smirked.

I turned off the food and put it on a plate. I followed emily.

She was bent over showing off her ass. I leaned in rubbing myself against her. She moaned and began moving with my hips

"Someone's in the mood so early."


I ran my fingers along her soft skin.

"We can't here until you get dressed and come eat."

"I rather have you to eat." She pouted.

"Come on the faster this is over our morning can get started."

Emily's POV

I got dressed in some shorts and a tank top.I then met with my master in the kitchen.

He had a plate with eggs and bacon, with a butterd toast.

"Nothing big but its something." He said behind me coming with a glass of orange juice.

"Anything is fine" i sat down and looked around our new house.

"Now that's its MY house my rules. " he sat in the chair across form me.

"which means?"

"You do what I say."

"Okay, i can do that."

"Alright well instead of me making breakfast, lunch, dinner that will be all on you i go to work and come back around 4 okay. It's only 12 I'll be gone for 5 short hours. Oh and here's a phone the only number you need is mine and of course in case of an emergency 911. I want the house clean try unpacking your things get settled in, and yeah. "

"So I'm like your maid?"

"No baby your still my sex slave just with more things to do and things to take care of."

"Before you leave do i need a dress code thing or can i wear whatever."

"For now whatever, until i take you shopping."

"Okay master."

" oh and there's going to be a man delivering our furniture so just sign and they know where to put it."

I nodded and my master was out the door.

I began cleaning the kitchen and then i began unpacking a few of mh things. 2 hours in i heard a knock on the door.

I rushed to the door opening it to see a tall, muscular guy with tattoos covering both arms. His soft brown hair pulled back. Damn.

"Is this Mr. Simpson's house? I'm here to deliver furniture"

"Yes, sir it is. Please come in."

"Alright i need you to sign this"

I grabbed his clip bored and signed my name. I handed it back with a smile in my face. He smirked back.

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