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troye sat on the side of the street, shivering and cold, silently tugging on his shawl. he glanced down on his old beaten up watch, groaning. "where is he?" he mumbled, growing tired of waiting. he decided to wait a couple more minutes, even though deep down, he knew the man would not come. maybe he was busy or just didn't want to have to pay, the worst thing could be that his wife found out that he was going to pay a young boy for sex. he grunted as he stood up, and finally saw a car coming towards him. the man pointed to poor troye, and troye had no other choice but to get in. it wasn't like this was his first time. at least then he had some place to sleep for that night.

troye layed silently and naked next to the man. staring at the cracked ceiling of the beaten up hotel. he hated what he had to do to get money, but it was obviously his fault for moving to the land of the free. it's what he got for not listening to his mother, sage, tyde, and steele. oh how he dreaded thinking of them, since he hadn't talked to then for almost a month. he gripped his watch closer to him, making him feel some warmth of home. he glanced at the tossed shawl, which was his sisters. he was stuck, clinging on to whatever money he'd make, sleeping around. troye shut his eyes, in any attempt to sleep.

sleep. the word sleep sounded so familiar yet so distant. he remembered the nights he'd lay in his mother's arms, as she sung lullabies. now he lays in older men's arms, after he's used. it wasn't like any shower could wash off the touch of them. as his mind wandered, his heart ached. there were many nights he'd cry for his mother. although, he always told his mother that he was just busy, he was doing fine, and to always keep an eye out for him on the telly.

in the morning, troye woke up, glancing at the side of the bed, to see nothing there. he quickly got up and looked around the room, finding him and the money no where. he yelled and cried, he wasted his time and didn't get his money. troye put on his unwashed cloths, and wrapped the shawl around him. he opened the hotel door to be hit by the cold morning. glancing down at the watch, he read 8:12. troye slowly walked towards the street and looked around for some place to eat. when he saw nothing but roads and more roads he gave up.

he sat down on the sidewalk, facing the street. maybe his mother would see him on the telly, but instead of famous, dead. he swiftly shushed the idea and frowned. when a car pulled up next to him, and the window rolled down, showing a nice looking man, and by looking at his car, seemed rich. "get in." he said, with a small smile. troye eagerly stood up and got in, and the ride began. he waited patiently for the driver to ask him where he was headed, although he was not asked.

after a while of driving, troye grew tired, and decided to just rest his eyes. what started from just a simple nap turned into deep sleep, causing him to be vulnerable to the driver.

  when troye woke up he was frightened to see himself alone in a white room. troye anxiously sat up looking around. to the side of him was a small white night stand, which obviously matched the bed and the closet. it was a very small room, but for once it seemed like a home. he stared at the night stand admiring the food that sat there, paired with a glass of water. he finally gave in and ate everything on the plate and drank all of the water.

  when troye finished, he was in shock to realize he was out of his old cloths. he was stripped of his ripped jeans and dirty white shirt, even his important shall and wrist watch was gone. fear suck into him when he realized they were gone. he quickly stood up and attempted to open the door, even when he realized it was locked. at first the fear that he was trapped in a room didn't scare him to much, but than he began to think of the worst things that could happen; until finally he heard whispers behind the tall wooden door.

  "he's really good looking compared to others!" he heard one say. "then it must be easier to get rid of him." he heard someone else respond. "and what is that ugly thing?" he heard the same voice reply. "it's a shawl and a watch. i think they're important to him." the other voice spoke. "ok. give me it, and stay away from the room." a now raspy voice said.

  then all at once the door opened and troye could finally see a man with glasses and blonde hair open the door, with his shawl in one hand and his watch in the other. "well you're cute, aren't you?" he said seductively. "my sl- i mean servant had told me about your handsome face." the classy man said, with the shawl in one hand. "and i can see why. you're-" and as the man walked closer, troye shut his eyes in fright of any inflict the blonde haired man would do and whimpered.

the man looked at troye in confusion, until it sunk in. the innocent little boy was afraid. he then put down troye's washed shawl and cleaned up watch on the end of the bed, before walking out, to let the boy rest. the mischievous man quickly mumbled, "if you need anything, ring the bell." before walking out.

  when troye opened his eyes he saw his shawl clean and smiled. it looked just like it did before he left. and his watch- it reminded him of when his mother would wear it on dates with his father.


troye anxiously picked up the bell on his beside table and rung it. he was starving. he hadn't eaten since he's gotten here, which was about a day. a day of tyler watching him, without troye knowing. a day since troye's had any human communication.

as the door quickly opened, troye sat nervously. "can i talk to the man that was here yesterday?" troye asked looking down. "yeah sure." one of the 'servants' said. before walking out, and locking the door. there, troye sat. staring at the wall that seemed to comfort him more than any other person he met in the land of free so far.

troye looked at the door, as it slowly opened showing the man that had imprisoned him. "can i please get out of here." troye said, as tears filled his eyes, and his accent being so raspy. "i'm sorry, but no. you're going to be kicked out of here soon." tyler said, some what sympathetic. as troye nodded, tyler couldn't help but examine troye. his jawline, so chiseled and personality so pure. it was like he lost everything, including his pride. after watching him for so long, tyler could assume that he was living on the money he made while using his body. he could also assume that the poor boy wasn't even from here due to his accent. if tyler could feel sadness, he'd be very sad for the boy.

but he didn't. so with one swift step, he turned around and walked out. turning his back on the beautiful blued eyed boy, and shutting the door behind him. thus, beginning the story of the rich and the poor.

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