Why I like ROBLOX.

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I like Roblox not because of the building system but mostly because gear and trading. I'm all about ze Whepawnree. That hevvy arrrtillerryy kindaa guyyy.
I have an intriguing, somewhat simple, but never less than powerful arsenal of an assortment of gears, and it's only getting bigger.

So far as of March 25th, 2016 i have 60+ items in my inventory. When i join a game, 8 times out of 10 it will allow gear items of some sort. If not it will be an obstacle course or even a mystery game, usually a RPG/level up game. When i join a gear
Game it may take me a while to set up my toolbar due to my surplus of gear. No more than a minute and thirty remains the goal, unless i'm interrupted.

Once I am fully organized and ready for action, i just patiently wait for even the slightest indication of incoming trouble.

Once danger strikes, there's no turning back. Full throttle, heated battle rages on for countless hours. All types of weaponry is being used, explosions, harpoons, gunfire, heat seeking missiles, tornadoes, RPGs, anything you can think of.
Battles Don't end until either the enemy is forced into submitting, or they retreat by leaving the game. Then the remaining soldier emerges victorious and is now a step higher in the food chain.
Some known gear-fighters consist of:judgementally, the_zombie,Aladius. Krazem. Sharkhoods shadowofdeath132,
SpiralingDescengt(me😉),axlrose1212 ,Heavenly_Demon, forewarning, kingdead20 and cropsy". But those are just people I know, I'm sure there's more out there. I only like gear fighting simply because it's fun, 
discovering new combinations,
OBLITERATING FOES, exploding stuff, the whole 10 yards man. If it wasn't for gear I probably would have quit long, long ago. But I am glad I did not. If I did I would be bored out of my mind. I sometimes goto ROBLOX just to blow off some steam or just cuz' I want to. Of course fighting isn't all there is to it. If you wantto go out and explore ROBLOX for your own, by all means, go right ahead. Don't take my word for it

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