Author's Note

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Hello all! Yep, good ol' Sharron's back with another one! *cheers half-heartedly because that cat is right and I'm PROBABLY KRIFFING CRAZY TO TAKE ON ANOTHER ONE*

Remember that time in between Book Eight and Nine of UAAT when I was gone for two weeks or so? Well, if not, then it's cool. But anyways, I was spending time in the great outdoors, AKA the Land Of No Wifi Or Devices.

But, just because I was cut off from my usual tools for writing and publishing, that didn't mean that I stopped getting ideas. While I was there, I came up with several ideas for stories I was already in the process of writing and a few for entirely new fanfics, which I wrote down in a notebook. One of those ideas was a storyline where Lux Bonteri was brought up as a Jedi, and fought alongside Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars. 

So, two weeks or so ago before I got a phone back and I was trying to reconstruct my story ideas (before I found out they survived by some strange miracle) I got out that same notebook. And what did I find? THAT IDEA.

As always, that got me thinking. I drew some concept art, dug through the scary amount of SW fan art on my computer until I found the image I used for the cover, and today, I decided to write up a prologue and see how everything went.

And then the rest of the plot came spilling out of my brain and I had to run like a maniac to catch up with it.

So, do you want me to continue it? Write it when I'm finished with something else so I can prioritize other fanfics? Tell me what you think, guys, because I'm REALLY not sure anymore... XD

See ya!


Lux Bonteri, Jedi KnightWhere stories live. Discover now