Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Ziva and McGee looked at each other.

'I didn't do it on purpose; I don't want you to go, either of you.' McGee stuttered.

'I wouldn't you or Tony to go either, it has been difficult due to my feelings.'

Gibbs just stared at them. 'I want to trust you, but I don't know if we can risk it.'

'I'll do anything to prove to you that I won't say anything.' McGee replied quickly.

'I, too will do anything you need to show you that I wish you to stay.'

'I'll play it by ear for now, and see how things go.' Gibbs looked at them. They both got the hint and climbed out of his car. As soon as they the door slammed shut he headed home to see Tony. He would have to explain what had happened.


Tony couldn't wait to find out what had happened with Vance. He knew that he would find out eventually. He stood up and walked straight over to Gibbs as soon as he came through the door.

'What happened?'

'Vance found out about you and the kids. He overhead McGee and Ziva talking at the yard.' Gibbs explained.

'They did what?' Tony couldn't believe it. 'What did you tell Vance?'

'I told him the truth, he promised to keep it a secret. He also said that if you wanted someone to talk to Jackie would be happy to.' Gibbs held out his hand so Tony wouldn't interrupt. 'She doesn't know, he'll only tell her with our permission. Leon also said if I need help with McGee and Ziva to ask.'

'It might be nice to talk to someone who's pregnant.' Tony muttered.

'That is what Leon thought, the choice is yours, and I do trust him when he says he wants to help.'

'You can give him a call, and ask him to pass along my cell number. What about McGee and Ziva?' Tony winced as he asked.

'I wanted to know if they did it deliberately, and if they did that I would quit. Then we would go into hiding.'

Tony reached out and touched Gibbs' face. 'But you love being at NCIS.'

Gibbs smiled at him. 'I love you and the babies more.'

'So what did they say?'

'They said it wasn't on purpose. I'll keep an eye on them and see. I'll make sure that something is in place if we have to leave.' Gibbs shrugged his shoulders. He would talk to Ducky and make sure there was a doctor available where ever they went.

'Ok, I'll follow you whatever you decide. I know you have our best interests at heart.' Tony smiled as he wrapped his arms around Gibbs and pulled him into a kiss.


A month later Gibbs had decided to have a bbq. Tony was sat in a chair, and next to him were Jackie, Simon and Jackson. They had constantly talked since she had found out. His father was thrilled about being a grandfather and insisted Tony called him dad. Gibbs couldn't help but smile when he looked at the man he loved. Tony had now begun to show. Abby, Ducky, Maddie, Michael and Palmer was crowded together and laughed at a joke that had been told. Gibbs was at the BBQ with Leon. Ziva and McGee were stood together. They still weren't a part of everything. It had been difficult for them to earn back the trust that they had lost.

'You're a lucky man Jethro.' Leon smiled as he spoke.

'Yes, I am. I never thought I'd have this again.' Gibbs chuckled as he looked around at his family.

Fornell just arrived and walked over to join the two men. He shook his head as he looked at Tony and then turned to Gibbs. 'I thought you were joking when you told me about all of this.' He waved his hand around the garden. 'Then I remembered that you don't have a sense of humour.'

Gibbs glared at him, and Leon Vance. 'You didn't have to come.' He muttered.

'All joking aside, you deserve to be happy. I never thought it would be with your male pregnant SFA.'

'Thanks for your help Tobias.' Gibbs smiled. Vance and Fornell sent feelers out so if any news about Tony they would hear about it first. It made Gibbs feel a bit more secure about his family.


Four months later

Gibbs rushed into the private surgery followed closely by McGee and Ziva. He had been pulled from a case because Tony and gone into labour. The contractions had started early, so they have to rush him straight in.

'Where is he?' Gibbs glared at the nurse who had waited for him.

'They had to take him right into surgery. I'll take you to the waiting room, there are others already there.'

Gibbs walked with the nurse, and when they turned a corner, he couldn't help but smile.

Abby walked over and hugged him. 'Palmer has gone to collect Jackson.'

'Thanks Abs.' Gibbs smiled at her and started to pace.

The time went so slowly for him; it had felt like forever when the surgeon finally came out.

'Mr Gibbs, congratulations. You have beautiful twins. Tony and the babies are doing great. Tony is sleeping, but let me go and take you to see your children.'

Gibbs grinned and followed the man out. The laughter and cheers from the people that he cared about made everything so much better. It had been a long time since he felt like this. He knew that Shannon and Kelly would be so happy for him.


Gibbs lies next to Tony, one arm wrapped around the man he loved. He held their little boy, while Tony held their daughter.

'I love you Tony and thank you for giving me a family, for giving me everything.' Gibbs kissed him on the lips.

Tony smiled back at him. 'Thank you for giving me a family as well.'

The End

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