Chapter 1

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    ( Cassie on the right Mika on the left )

"Cassie wake up youll be late for school !!! " my mom said And i pulled the blankets over my head and thought to myself *why must this woman come in my room and wake me up doesn't she know i didn't get home until 3am this morning * but then i was interrupted from my thoughts with my mom yanking the blankets off me "what the hell mom " and i tried to pull the blankets back over me but she slappe my hands aways " ouch why did u do that " i said with a stern voice " cassie you need to get up its 7:20 u have ten minutes to get to school " yawned and got up she threw a pair of jeans and a blue vneck t-shirt at me and i put it on then went into my closet to grab my black high-top converse as she said "hurry up and brush your hair your going to make your sister late for school" i grabbed my brush and put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my phone and backpack then walked down stairs into the living room " well its about time you got up cassie " my twin sister mika said as i descended down the stairs with mom then mom said " girls don't forget you need to come straight home when you get out of school i want you to meet someone " she said happily and we rushed out the door and drove to school when we got into the car i asked mika if she knew who mom wanted us to meet " probly another boyfriend i heard mom talking to someone on the phone about coming over to dinner with there son before she went to wake you up " when we pulled up to the school we still had 5 minutes to spare so i texted my best friend calliy

Me : " Hey bestie i just got to school where r u at ?"

We have been bestfriends since i moved here to midland which was 7 years ago which seemed like a long time ago then my phone beeped

Calliy: "hey gurl im behind the school with kris ,carter and bradley u should join us "

Me : " ok ill be there in a min " i started to walk behind the school to join my friends when i was grabbed on the arm when i turned around i noticed it was Andrew mills the most popular boy in school who was the quarterback on the schools football team he then opened his mouth and started to talk " hey cassie can .." Then he was interrupted by his girlfriend cherry who called for him and he turned around and then she saw he was with me and she gave me a death glare he then let go of my arm and said he would ask me later . When i finally got to my friends the bell rang and we all walked to class

*later that day *

" hey cassie wait up "

I looked behind me and saw Andrew running towards me full speed i flinched when he caught up to me and put his hand on my shoulder when he stopped he was breathing hard and was sweating

" are u ok Andrew ?" I asked

"Yea i just got out if gym and was on my way to lunch when i saw you "

"Oh so what did u want this morning ?" I said curiously

" well i was gonna ask if you could help me with my history homework ?" He said

Oh so he just wanted to get help with his stupid homework i said to myself and a frown appeared on my face and i guess he noticed because he asked me if i was ok

" yea i was just thinking about something " i said

"Oh so can you help me with my history homework ?" He asked again and i frowned again before answering him

" i guess but im not doing all the work like last time you have to do it to " i said he smiled

" ok see you later then " he said before running off

When i got to the lunch room i sat down with my friends and they were all talking about there favorite foods then carter said " bitch alert " and i turned around to see cherry walking towards us with orange juice in her hand when she finally got to us she dumped the orange juice on my head she started to laugh and i got up

"What the fuck cherry why did u do that ?" I yelled at her

"You need to stay away from my man you whore !"

I gave her a look and the smile left her face instantly i started to say something when i realized the whole cafeteria was starring at us

" really I'm the whore when u have slept with every guy here !! And I'm not after Andrew he came up to me so get your facts straight before you go pouring orange juice on people bitch " she starred at me for a second then tried to slap me in the face but i grabed her wrist and pinned her on the ground and she hit me with her other hand and it hurt like a bitch

" oh its on now!! "
I punched the side of her face and it turned bright red where i struck her i was so filled with anger i kept punching her until i felt hands grab my waist and pull me off her and she was bleeding really bad i looked back to see who pulled me off her and it was Andrew and bradley then i looked back at cherry and some guys were picking her up off the ground then bradley and Andrew let go of me and i gave them both a look and walked out of the cafeteria i heard my name being called

"Cassie !!" Cassie wait "

I turned around to see my sister Mika running towards me when she finally got to me she started to talk
"Cassie are you ok ?"

" do i look like I'm ok Mika " i said and motioned to my body i was covered in orange juice and i had blood on my clothes and hands my face was really red from where cherry slapped me

" well you look better than cherry does " Mika said and i had a smile on my face because i beat the crap out of cherry which no one has ever done before . Mika put her arm around me and we walked back into to cafeteria everyone looked at me an i sat down smiling like an idiot then kris said something and it shook me out of my thoughts and i asked her what she just said

" why did u keep punching her ?" Kris said

" because she deserved it " i said with a smirk on my face kris just starred at me for a second then started laughing while shaking her head then the lunch bell rang

*after school *

When we got hone i ran straight up to my room to change and take a shower before my mom sees me and asks what happened . While i was stripping out of my clothes i wore to school i heard footsteps coming up the stairs so i ran to the bathroom that was in the hallway and slammed the door shut behind me i guess whoever was coming up the stairs saw me and knocked on the door
"Cassie ?"
I didn't recognize the voice at first then realized it was Andrew
"Andrew what are u doing here ??" I asked

" I'm here with my dad for dinner " he said oh so that's who mom wanted us to meet
"Cassie are you still there " Andrew asked
" uhh ... Yea so why did u cone upstairs Andrew ?"

" well your mom asked if i could come and get you " of course my mom would send someone to cone get me shes so lazy . I opened to door to see Andrew on his phone " so are you coming " he asked not even noticing i was only wearing a towel i cleared my throat and he looked up from his phone and starred at me ogling over my half naked body then said "oh sorry i didn't realize you were about to take a shower ill just go back downstairs " he started to walk away and i shut the door turning on the water and stepping in the shower i started to think about how andrew was ogling over my body and i didnt get why i mean im not exactly skinny unlike my sister mika but after thinking about it for a few more minutes i shook it off and went to get dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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