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Cover: everytime we touch(Slow)-Cascada 

  "Don't be self-conscious, if I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it." ―Stephenie Meyer, Twilight 


The glitter of the metal was approaching my neck , I closed my eyes. But I wasn't going to die that easy , even though screaming won't help , I started to scream , gathering my voice and my breath. no answer. Gabriella collapsed on the ground crying, she was just watching with shocked eyes murmuring things I couldn't hear. The man was laughing , our torment was his distraction. He grabbed my hair and dragged me to the ground putting the knife right next to my jaw line. He brought his mouth near my ear and whispered "Just say a world and you'll be dead" The alcohol's smell spread and reached my nose. I closed my eyes , tears rolling down my cheeks , I hate being weak. The guy ripped my sweater and said with his dirty mouth "That won't hurt so much I'll make It fast for you" and he started laughing in amusement. I prayed to stay alive a thousand times , I just closed my eyes as he started kissing and biting me. Suddenly that stopped , I heard a loud crack but I didn't open my eyes what if that was from me? what if he killed me and I'm just imagining things?, I felt coldness, an ice cube holding me. The crisis of screaming came back I shouted , punched , stamped.

"Shh, shh. That's okay love, nobody's going to hurt you , I won't let anybody touch you. I'm here" That voice , that angelic accent , the harmonic symphony that was playing on my head, the most beautiful musical instrument I have ever heard I would recognize that voice anywhere and everywhere , On a deep well , at the end of the ocean That accent will make me shiver like always. I opened my eyes to meet jasper's gold ones. I felt him comforting me. He put his coat on me and held me closer wiping away the tears that were flowing like a river.

3rd person's POV

Jasper , Edward and Emmett left hunting since they didn't hunt for three days. Alice was with Bella and Rosalie chatting about Reneesme and Jacob. Suddenly, she had a vision, she stood up shocked ad grabbed her phone calling Jasper "Answer Jasper!!" She cried while Bella and Rosalie watched her with shocked eyes. It rang twice before he picked It

"Jasper! Comeback now!!" She yelled with a worried tone

"Did something bad happened to Maria?" He asked furiously

"I had a vision, Mary was being raped, then killed" She affirmed

"At the mall, I-" Before she finished her words Jasper closed the line

He ran , Like his life depended on that, through the darkness , through the forest racing into where his dear Maria was. The rain was falling too heavy too bloody. He will never forgive himself if something bad happened to her, To be there on time was all what he wanted for that moment to find her safe , see her smile again Instead of seeing tears and blood. Her sadness crashed into his chest , warning and ripping his deepest source of life. She was his reason of existing , the pain was unbearable what will he do if his reason of living just disappeared. The thought of her leaning lifelessly on his hands, her cheeks' incarnation won't be there anymore. It would be gone with her soul to the other side.

Maria's POV

It was dark, too dark to figure where I was. I could hear many whispers, Confusing , Blurry. People looking at me with crimson red eyes, full of hunger and need. A woman, red eyed jumped on me crying , caressing my back reaching my chest, drawing circles. In a blink of an eye nothing was there but a hole on my chest blood everywhere. The female vampire grabbed my heart and tore It from his place. I begged her not to take it from me but she held her between her thin and long fingers and ate It.

I cried ,"Nooo!!" My chest was heavy blood running through my veins.

I felt jasper's hand tightening on mine , calming me down "That's okay love, Don't be afraid , I'm protecting you" He put a soft kiss on my forehead

"I'm scared , jasper , I can't take It. Nightmares are haunting me." I shouted gasping.

The room I was in wasn't familiar to me. I was on a huge king sized bed, a library full of books covering the whole wall and a glassy wall was reflecting our pictures on It. I saw jasper holding me to his chest burying his face on my hair he looked like inhaling It. "That's okay" He whispered with a very soft voice that made my heart racing hard "It's gone now, sleep. Take a rest and wipe out everything bad"

"Mom, she should be worried I have to go back home" I affirmed remembering Natalie and Anna. He took my hand and tickled my palm smoothly "Natalie is okay , Carlisle told her that you'll stay with Alice and the girls" I nodded in comfort as he laid next to me, his arms surrounded my waist our noses were smacking. I felt safe on his arms, all the mirages and nightmares disappear, happiness and calmness take me to the eternal world of dreams. 'I love you' I heard a whisper. I smiled and swam on the peaceful world of sleep. 

A midwinter night's dream(Book I : The storm) Twilight Jasper Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now