Best friends and Girlfriends

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Finn's part

We finished the meeting and I felt proud. We left the meeting and we saw Jack kissing that Jasmine girl he was supposedly tutoring. I looked at her and her brown eyes were with tears, "wait for me ok" I said and walked up to Jack, "that's nice the way you going to lie to Melissa like that, you should have told her" I said and walked back to her car. I got in and her eyes were all red from crying again, "im sorry" I said and she nodded, "it's not your fault" she said and I nodded. "How about that beach next to your house?" I asked and she nodded. I went to my house and changed then met her on the beach.  I seen that she was already crying so I splashed her with a little water she looked at me and smiled. "I can't believe he lied to you" I said walking besides her. Honestly me and Melissa were never this close because Jack was her best friend. "Yeah but I only cry because he lied to me but im happy for him too" she said and I looked at her, "you look hurt" I said and she nodded, "I never kept anything from him and he just kept this from me like I trusted him but I don't know if I should again" she said and I nodded while we sat, "sometimes people are going to leave your life and enter at the same time, but this time your going have to not trust him coming from me his twin and yeah I trust him but not with girls I don't" I said and she nodded and looked at me,  "why?" she asked and it kinda hurted but I should tell her. "I had a 3 year relationship with this girl called Emily and while I was gone they would just get attached and do things a brother shouldn't do to his own brother" I said and she looked surprised and I chuckled, "what" I said and she shrugged then pulled me to the water and threw me in. I swam back up and took my hand out to help me but instead I pulled her in. She laughed when she swam back up. I chuckled and sat on the sand watching the sky, "thanks" she said and I looked at her, "for?" I asked and she smiled, "for being there when your brother lied" she said then I saw Jack coming towards us. We stood up and she was shorter then Jack and I. "Im sorry Melissa" he said and I saw tears in her eyes a little, "I trusted you" she told him and I sighed, "do you still trust me, are we still best friends?" Jack asked and she shook her head no. "Maybe we should just stay as regular friends instead of best friend because you decided to change your mind" she said and he walked away and she turned to me, I saw that she was going to break down and saw her crying. I hugged her and she hugged me but her hand were wrapped around my waist. "Don't worry" I said and she looked up to me, "just tell me its going to be ok" she said and I nodded, "It's going to be ok I promise" I said and I promised her because she was too gentle to be hurt. She let go and pushed her hair behind, "I think I should go home" she said and I pulled her to me, "how about I go over so we can chill?" I asked and she chuckled and nodded. "I will meet you there" I said, and she nodded. I walked to my house and changed into my grey sweats and my black vans then put my black sweater. Jack looked at me, "I feel so messed up but Im in love with Jasmine" he said and I nodded. 'Congrats on you and her but you should have told your best friend well ex- best friend" I said and left the apartment. I walked to her house and knocked, she opened the door I smiled and entered. Her house always smelled like coffee and tea, I sat on the couch and sat besides me. "So, what are we going to do?" I asked and she shrugged,  "how about we play ding dong ditch?" I asked and she nodded. We got to the hotel and entered and she giggled. She knocked on one door and we began to run up the stairs, she was laughing hard then we got quiet and I tip toed to the door and knocked, we ran again and she fell. I helped her up and we began to run again laughing. We went to McDonald and order some cookies and fries with a large soda. We went back to her house and sat on the couch eating. "That was fun, me and Jack never have done this" she said and I looked at her, "so what was your friendship about?" I asked and she shrugged, "he mostly wanted to study and talk about things that kinda got me bored" she said and I started laughing, "you should have told him" I said and she rolled her eyes with a smile. "here" I said taking my sweater handing it to her, "I don't like the way your chest is showing" I said and she chuckled. "So" she said and I looked at her seriously. "Ok" she said and put on my sweater, I smiled after and she took a sip on the soda. -11:59- we stood here talking about dumb things and she smiled, "not tired yet?" I asked and she shook her head no. She put on a movie and she told me to make popcorn, I sat back down and we started eating and watched the movie. We were dying of laughter because it was funny. I looked down at her and her head was on my shoulder very closely. I smiled and went back to watching the movie, -4:am- I opened my eyes and I saw that we both fell asleep, I put the popcorn down and picked her up, I layed her down on her bed and moved to the couch. I layed down, and closed my eyes there I fell asleep. -12:pm- I opened my eyes and she was in the kitchen talking to someone. 

"I don't know Finn is just different from when we were little"

"No but like he is just being sweet about things that hurt me" she said

she hanged up and shook me, "hmm"  I pretended to be asleep. "Come on im bored" she said and I smiled and slowly sat up and she sat besides me, "maybe I should go home now, I need to shower and stuff" I said and she nodded, "well I will see you later ok? in the library because we have to read" she said and I sighed and nodded. I walked home, Jack was with Jasmine and I took a shower and brushed my teeth then got dress in a red shirt, my black jeans and my red vans. I put on my glasses and started to walk to the library but texted her because I left my book bag.  

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