Chapter One

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Harry Styles' story is simple, he was bullied at school, and ignored at home. With his sister Gemma having terminal cancer, his parents couldn't really find time to acknowledge the change that was going on with him. Harry's grades had dropped drastically. They went from straight A's and B's, to now where he is failing most, if not all, of his classes. It's not that his parents didn't care, well actually, yes it was. When Harry brought home his horrible test grades or bad marks on projects, they simply mumbled a 'Try harder', or a 'You need to do better', before going back to attending to Gemma. Harry used to have one friend, but even his life long friend Liam Payne couldn't put up with his depressed act anymore. Harry had tried to tell his parents multiple times about the bullying, depression, and how he had recently started self-harming, but they just didn't listen.

Today, Harry had decided to take matters into his own hands and go to the local Counseling Centre and make an appointment with a therapist. The nervous boy walked into the office, looking around briefly. There were a few people sitting in the chairs, waiting for their appointments. They were of all ages, the youngest one being a girl who looked to be about fourteen, maybe fifteen at the most. The oldest being a male who was in his late 60's probably, with wire grey hair. Harry finally located the front desk, making his way there. The young receptionist looked up from the computer and smiled warmly at Harry. "Hello, what can I help you with?" she questioned, her voice quiet and calming.

"Uh, I-I need to make an appointment, with someone. But.. But uh, my parents cant find out." Harry stuttered out, rubbing his sweaty palms against his skinny jeans. With Harry's part-time job at the local bakery, he decided he would be able to pay for it on his own, without making his parents have more bills and more stress on them.

The receptionist nodded understandingly. "Of course. What's your name?" She asked softly, opening up a new file on her computer. Once she had entered all of Harry's information, she told him his appointment would be tomorrow at four, with Dr. Tomlinson.

"Alright.. Thank you so much." Harry said, smiling faintly. He walked out, glad that he had gotten something accomplished today instead of just moping around in his room.


Louis Tomlinson was a 24 year old therapist, and had only been working at the place he was currently at for less than a year. He himself had problems when he was younger, and wanted to be sure that no other people felt the way he did at one time.

He walked inside after a long day at work only to find his boyfriend Tom laying down on the couch with a beer in his hand. "Hey babe." He sighed, taking his coat off.

"Why are you late?" Tom slurred out in reply, setting his drink down and getting up. Tom had a teeny drinking problem-which was more of a huge drinking problem but Louis just didn't want to admit it- which led to him being fired from his job. So Louis was currently paying all the bills, along with buying groceries. Tom had no source of income, which meant Louis also had to supply him with alcohol or he would be furious with Louis. Luckily though, Louis made just enough for them to slide by.

Louis sighed, glancing over at the time to see that he was indeed about an hour late. "I had to stay late and finish up some stuff." he told Tom shyly, hoping he wouldn't be angry. Another flaw about Tom was that he had a slight-very bad-anger problem. That problem often led to Louis being bruised and upset by the end of the night.

"You should have called. Go make dinner." Tom mumbled, looking back to the sports game which was on the television.

Louis sighed, rubbing his temples for a moment. "Love, I'm really not feeling well. Can't you fend for yourself tonight?" Louis questioned, deciding to push his luck. Maybe Tom was in a good mood today.

"No. Go fucking cook." Tom growled, sitting up and sending a look to Louis, which was 'do what I say or you'll regret it', look.

Louis quickly scurried off to the kitchen and started making boiling water so he could make pasta, then started on the sauce. Louis knew deep down that he didn't really love Tom, but he had somehow managed to convince himself that he did. Louis had spent so much time thinking about why his relationship had gone to shit, he had eventually decided that it was no ones fault but his own. He should have tried harder to help Tom control his drinking, or just tried harder to make Tom happy in general. He knew he shouldn't be so hard on himself, but he couldn't help it.

Louis sighed and continued making the meal and once it was finally finished he put some in a bowl and brought it out to Tom. Tom took the bowl and started eating, not even bothering to thank Louis. He sighed and went up to his and Tom's shared bedroom and took some asprin before he laid down. Louis' mind wandered as he thought about everything. Before he could finally fall asleep, a few lone tears rolled down his cheeks.


When Harry returned from making his appointment with Dr. Tomlinson, he thought he would have a good day. But he was totally wrong. As he was walking back home, a group of boys started shouting things at him, like 'Fag', 'Loser', 'Queer'. After a minute or so they stopped and Harry thought they were going to let him be. But boy was he wrong. Harry was absolutely terrified when he saw the boys making his way towards him. He picked up his pace a bit, but soon enough they caught up and pushed Harry to the ground. He landed on the ground, right on his shoulder. He brought his hands instinctively up to his face to protect it, and a swift kick was made to his gut. Someone then kicked him in the back, causing Harry to arch his back in pain.

The boys quickly scurried away after a minute or so longer of beating on Harry. It took a minute but Harry managed to pull himself off the ground and wipe his tear stained cheeks before he quickly rushed home. As soon as Harry walked through the door, he rushed up to his room and shut and locked the door. He grabbed his only friend, one of his lighters. Harry contemplated just putting the lighter away and doing something else, but his depressing thoughts eventually got the best of him.

'I'm hopeless'- he thought- 'no one could fix me at this point, nor would they want to.'

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