Chapter Two

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The following day at school for Harry went relatively well, aside from the occasional snide comment, people left him alone. As much as Harry wished people wouldn't treat him as though he had some sort of contagious disease, he was glad no one was bothering him. That was the last thing he needed.

Harry was eager, yet nervous, for his appointment later that day. Quite a few times during the day Harry had thought about calling the office and saying he couldn't make it. But he knew that he needed to get everything off his chest before he snapped and did something he would regret.

The day finally came to a close, and Harry had mountains of homework like every other high schooler did in their senior year. Harry knew he probably wouldn't do much of it, but just looking at the amount of make up work and projects he had to do stressed him out. Harry knew he was on the verge of failing for the year and not graduating, but not even that was enough motivation for Harry to do his work.

Harry quickly gathered his books, shoving them messily into his book bag before he practically sprinted out of the school before any one from the football team could pull him aside for a harsh beating. Harry's school was /very/ homophobic. As soon as he came out as gay, he was kicked out of nearly every club or after school activity he did. On top of that, all of his friends had treated him as if he betrayed them. Except for Liam Payne, he stayed loyal to Harry for quite awhile before he gave up on him.

Harry walked home, and when he walked inside he could hear his parents fighting about Harry. His parents usually stayed off the topic of him and ignored him completely, other than when his father would hit him. It wasn't just one little smack, it would be beatings that left Harry gasping for air and sobbing. Harry wished he had the guts to report it, but he knew that would probably only make his family's situation worse.

Harry cleaned up a bit before he left for his appointment. He had all sorts of wonders about Dr. Tomlinson. Like how old he was, his personality, sect. But he knew he would find out soon enough. Harry arrived at the counseling centre and told the receptionist he was here, then took a seat on one of the plush chairs as he waited.


All day Louis had been eager to meet his new patient, Harry Styles. Louis didn't get new patients all that often, and when he did he was always excited to learn their story and help them out.

When Louis was younger he had gone through a lot. His depression at times would be so bad that he would lock himself in his room for days at a time, not eating or having any contact with anyone else. He self-harmed quite a lot, and often ended up in the hospital because his mum would find him passed out on the ground from blood loss.

But eventually, his mum had enough and dragged Louis out of his bed one day and to therapy. Louis eventually fully recovered, and was now happy and content with his life. Occasionally, he did get into one of those moods where he just wanted to slip back to old habits and find a razor, but he always managed to talk himself out of it.

But, his therapist was what had inspired him to work harder in school, and eventually apply for a good college. He decided to study psychology, since he wanted to be the one to help people out. After four years, all of Louis' hard work and studying had payed off. He now had an amazing job where he got to help people out on a daily basis.

Finally, Louis rung to buzzer to inform the receptionist that he was ready for his next patient. Louis knew Harry would be nervous, since the receptionist had informed him that he had came in and stuttered out that he needed to make an appointment as soon as possible. But, Louis was glad that Harry stepped up and was getting help. That was a good first step.


"Harry Styles?" The receptionist called, smiling as the tall and nervous boy made his way to the desk. "Dr. Tomlinson will see you now." She says with a small smile. Harry nodded and made his way back to the room an quietly knocked before he was let in by who he assumed was Dr.Tomlinson.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis if you'd prefer." Louis told the boy whom he assumed was Harry. He sent him a warm smile, hoping it would in some way make Harry feel less nervous. "You must be Harry." he said, motioning for Louis to take a seat on one of the couches.

Harry swallowed hard and sat down before he replied. "Yeah.. Yeah. I'm Harry." He said shyly, his voice quiet and a bit shaky from nerves. Harry had never talked to anyone about his feelings, and the thought of having to finally let it all out was terrifying.

"Nice to meet you." Louis says, taking a seat on the smaller couch across from Harry. "I can tell that you're nervous. Coming to therapy is completely normal, and I'm glad that you decided to come today. I'm extremely serious about confidentiality, so what gets said by you in this room, will stay between just us. You don't have to worry about anyone finding out." he assures the younger boy.

Harry let out a breath of relief at that, feeling much less nervous now. "Okay, thank you. That makes me feel much better." he said, a faint smile now on his lips.

"Great, I'm glad." Louis nodded, reaching over to his desk and grabbing his clip board. "Now, would you like to explain a bit about what has been going on? Let's get everything out in the open in this session, so in the following appointments we can work on the healing process." he nodded.

"Alright..." Harry breathed, not really sure where to start. "W-Where should I start?" he asked quietly and nervously.

"Start with the bigger things first, so you can get it over with." Louis told the younger boy, sending him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I wont judge."

Harry sighed a bit. "Well, I get bullied in school. Like.. Like really badly." He said quietly, pulling at his long sleeves to be sure that they covered the peeling burns that covered his arms. He was very self conscious about them.

Louis frowned softly and nodded. He saw far to many young kids now a days who were bullied. "Alright, you can continue." He said, jotting down a few notes.

"My older sister has terminal cancer. My parents spend all their time on her.. I mean, I get that they need to spend time with her and stuff, but I need attention too.. And the type of attention my dad gives me, isn't what I want." Harry said, mumbling the last sentence.

"I'm very sorry to hear that.." Louis said softly. "What do you mean by that?" he asked curiously.

Harry gulped, realizing that telling Louis everything that needed to be said would be much harder than he expected.

*A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Three comments & four votes for the next chapter. *

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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