Step 4: The Chapters

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This isn’t going to be a long chapter because this is a rather simple concept, but it’s still something that needs to be considered when forming your story. How are you going to name your chapters?

You can keep it simple by just naming them by the chapter number like this:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Or maybe something like this:
HG Chapter 1
HG Chapter 2
(Holy Ground- HG)

Or you can have fun with title chapters by finding a theme and naming chapters with whatever theme.

You can keep it related to the title like maybe something like:
1- Holy Beginning
2- Holy Party
3- Holy Argument

Or you can find a clever quote from inside of the chapter and name it like that, like:
1- He Looks Like A Liar
2- It’s About Time
3- You’re Kind Of Smelly

If you want to challenge yourself, you can use song titles. Those are hard, though, if you want the song to do with whatever’s going on in that chapter, but it can be done.
1- Bubbly
2- Skyscraper
3- One Thing

Okay, so yeah- titles can really be anything, those are just some things to consider but you can think of something else if you want to, I’m sure.

Here’s another organization tip because, as I’ve said, organization is key. So, remember those tables that we talked about for the characters? That can be done with chapters too. This is how I keep my chapters organized and it’s also how I plan ahead.

There’s a chapter in each row and then in the columns, there’s the chapter title (and a chapter summary maybe), the song that you want to put with the story, the picture you want to put with the chapter, and I also add how many pages it is after it’s posted.

This table isn’t very useful if you don’t want to add songs and pictures to your tables, but if you do, then this keeps things… you guessed it, organized. I’ll add a picture to the side so you can see what I’m talking about and I’ll leave the link in the comments so you can  see it in a bigger version.

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