Step 6: The Writer's Block

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Writers block is something that every writer comes across at some point in their writing. I'm sure that everyone can agree that it sucks and it's awful and life would be a lot easier if it didn't exist and ideas were always flowing through our brains. That's obviously not the case, because if it was, then I wouldn't be making this chapter.

Okay, so one of the major problems with writers block is that a lot of beginning writers and even experienced writers just don't want to work through it. Once they're hit with the first blow of writers block, they're done with the story and give up. However, if that's how you do things, you're never going to finish a story. There hasn't been a story yet that I've written that I haven't gotten writers block on. No matter what you think, it will eventually go away.

Writers block is curable.

Now, here are some simple remedies for this terrible, terrible disease:

1- Take a break. Stop writing but don't give up or delete it. Just take a break, whether it be for a few hours or a week. Come back in a week with fresh ideas and try again without the stress and aggravation.

2- Listen to music. This is probably one of the easiest things to go, and it's the most helpful for me when I need inspiration. Just listen to some songs from your favorite artist and think of the words behind it and what the story is behind the song. Maybe you can incorporate it into your story somehow. Getting back to our Holy Ground example, say we get blocked on this story. Let me show you some examples:

Stay Stay Stay (Taylor Swift)- Grace and Parker have a fight- maybe Parker got jealous when some guy talked to Grace or something and Grace got mad (because she's stubborn) and so they're fighting and Parker goes to leave the room because he's mad but Grace won't let him leave because she wants to fix things.

Nightingale (Demi Lovato)- Nightingale is a song about finding a savior- at least, that's how I interpret it anyway. So maybe Parker finds out about how Grace's mom died and she's sad and he's there to comfort her and their relationship grows stronger and all is well.

The list of inspirational songs is endless, so I won't go on or this chapter would be forever long.

3- Seek inspiration. There is inspiration all around you if you just look. There's songs, which we just discussed, and there's also pictures and other pieces of art, the people around you, maybe even some weird words. Everything has a story behind it, you just gotta look! At the website I made, I have a whole page that is dedicated to finding inspiration, and I'll put the link in the comments below so you can go look at that and maybe that can help cure your writers block.

That's all for this time around so good luck! And if you want anymore help with writers block, feel free to inbox me or comment or anything and I'll try my best to help you personally (:

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