Chapter 18: Just Let It Out Will You?

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Hey there, so sorry for the late update. Been kinda busy and unfortunately, I'll be back in college soon :( Oh I really wish the summer break would be longer but meh wishful thinking sucks!

Anyways the chappie is a bit shorter than I thought and crappier as well I guess so be warned. But I dont know I really hope you'll enjoy reading it :/




I never thought I would be lucky enough to finally hear Ma swearing a string of curse words with the equal intensity of a Black Widow hell-bent for a glorious revenge.

“What the fuck were you thinking not calling us after that? I thought we made it clear about this Alain! You two could have gotten hurt!” Her face made this angry, contorted look and her glare could melt me into a blob on the carpet out of fear for my life. You don’t want to mess with my angry Ma. I wish she wouldn’t have been so intimidating, she stood a few good inches taller than me and yes, I am the smallest in the family.

“Honey, please don’t overreact, the boys are fine. Amy’s unharmed too. That’s all that matters.” Dad still had his cool on and tried to rub her back comfortingly, but she shoved his hands off her. Then she pulled her hair backwards and tied it into a bun with a stretchable rubber band. I knew from almost my entire life living under this roof that means she’s really pissed off. I mean, passed-her-high-boiling-point kind of pissed off. She really hated the tied hair look and this meant business from the very moment of her outburst a few minutes ago.

“Oh hell no, Harry. This ain’t over yet. What on earth were you thinking not telling us, not until this morning? Alain, I’m not mad at you. I’m just really mad at you failing to mention it to me last night! What do you have to say for yourself?”

I squirmed in my seat on the loveseat, Connor holds my hand and I scooted closer next to him. I couldn’t look up straight to her face anymore, not without the fear that I might easily be vaporized with her angry laser eyes. “I’m so sorry Ma, it wasn’t on purpose. I just don’t want you to freak out all over it. Like Dad said, nobody got hurt.”

“Well that may be true, thank God! But still you failed to alert us about it ASAP, like you should’ve! What about those poor kids who got beaten up on the floor last night? If Connor here didn’t slip it out to me during breakfast I wouldn’t have known!” I hate looking at her like this. She cared for me so much like I’m her biological son but I figured she would just overreact like right now.

Dad took a deep breath before he tried again, slung one arm over her shoulders and hold her hands with the other. “Honey yes Alain was wrong for not telling either of us sooner but we couldn’t take it back now. What happened last night at that dance was horrible but he’s just worried that you would exaggerate this a bit too much.”

He winked at me mouthing ‘Don’t worry, I got it covered.’ She began to shake her head and then cover her face with her hands, not minding Dad’s coaxing arm over her shoulders. She sat up straight after a minute of contemplation, pushing her head back and shoving Dad’s arm away. “No, I’m totally not overreacting! I’m trying to be a good mom here okay? Alain I would do anything for you. You know that right? I would be so mad at myself if you’re ever got hurt. You can’t keep everything to yourself okay! That’s just not fair.”

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