Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

It was 4 in the afternoon on February 2. There I was sitting on the coach with my brother waiting for my best friend Elisha to arrive. This girl lives 15 minutes away from our condo, yet it always takes her an hour to get here. My brother, Dion and I could not wait any longer so we figured we would leave without her. Okay, we would've called her to meet us at the game, I wasn't that rude ... My brother and I went to grab our stuff, I grabbed my brother's car keys and right when I opened the door, there stood Elisha.

"ELISHA! You live 15 minutes away from our condo and you take over an hour to get here!" I said

"Well hello to you too Amy." She said giving me the 'I'll tell you later look'

"Yeah, yeah. Here take this jersey, I'll run to the hockey room and wear my Bozak jersey." I told her as I took off my Phaneuf jersey and gave it to her. She never told me about her crush on my brother, but she really thinks that I wouldn't know? The way she always looks at him when she's around him and I can tell my brother likes her back.

As I stepped foot into mine and my brother's hockey room, so many emotions ran through my body. This was my favourite room. It had all of mine and my brother's hockey trophies, medals, jerseys and all of our other accomplishments. This was also a room where I can come and relax when I get into a fight with my brother or when I'm just stressed out and when I miss my parents. There was a closet in the corner of the room when I kept all the hockey jerseys I wear to game, plus my brother's own jersey he uses. I opened the closet and grabbed my Bozak jersey (A/N: Since Tyler Bozak and Tyler Seguin both have the same first name, I will call Tyler Bozak in this story Bozie and I will call Tyler Seguin either Ty, Seguin or Segs. Just letting you guys know so you don't get confused)

I walk out of the hockey room and I see what I knew would happen sooner or later, but seriously my eyes were burning and I could not stand to look any longer. My brother and Elisha were standing at the door swallowing each other's tongue.

I quickly but quietly walked back to the hockey room

"Hey Dion, do you know where my Bozak jersey is?" I yelled

"It's in the hockey room remember!" he yelled back. I obviously knew where it was but I just wanted them to stop making out without them knowing that I just saw.

"Found it!" I come out of my room and I see my brother and Elisha just standing there really awkwardly.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask them

"Uhhmm, we ... I ... yeah I'm okay" they answer in unison

"Okay let's go then before coach yells" I say grabbing the car keys.

We walk out to the elevator. I pressed the button and we waited for the doors to open.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you two are dating?"

"Uhhh, sis? What are you talking about? We aren't dating" my brother said nervously.

"Oh c'mon, you really think I did not see you two making out when I went to get my jersey?" I said with the biggest grin on my face. I was actually about to burst out laughing.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped in. The ride in the elevator was quiet the whole way down to the parking lot.

"Just tell me, how long has it been?" I asked as I started the car

"Two months" Elisha said

The rest of the ride to the ACC (Air Canada Centre) was quiet. When we arrived I parked into "Reserved for Phaneuf" zone. I just raced to the dressing room not wanting to deal with my brother and Elisha right now. I mean seriously, they probably told the entire and didn't tell me. His own sister and her own best friend. When I got to the dressing room, everyone just looked at me like I something just happened.

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