Chapter 6

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Dion’s POV

I could not take it anymore. It’s been 10 minutes and my sister is still crying in her room. Why did I do that to her? I just kept thinking how horrible of a brother I am to her. I finally decided to call the one person who knew her best. Elisha.

“Hey Elisha, could you come over?”

“What for babe?” she asked

“I’ll tell you later, can you just please come? Like now!” I yelled into the phone

“Alright alright, no need to yell. I’ll be there in a few.” And she hung up

15 minutes later

I heard knocking on the door and ran to open it.

“Okay what’s wrong?” Elisha asked trying to catch her breath

“So I did something really dumb...”

“Babe, you always do.” She said as I gave her a dirty look

“Whatever, you know how Amy went on her ‘date’ with Tyler Seguin?”

“Yeah, and?”

“Well, I heard noises outside of the door so I assumed that Amy was back. I looked through the peephole and saw them kissing. I opened the door, basically told Seguin to leave and dragged Amy into the house. Then I told her that she’s dumb for kissing him and that she can never date him because of his bad reputation. Now she’s in her room crying and I don’t know what to do. Help me!”

“Well first of all, YOU ARE CRAZY! I thought you promised Amy that you would not butt into her love life. She still has me you know? AND you can’t say that Tyler’s rep is bad when yours was just like his a few years ago, but little did people know, that wasn’t you. So how are you so sure that Tyler really does have a bad rep?” Elisha looked a little anger with me as she said that.

Elisha walked to Amy’s room and all I was think was how bad of a brother I am to her.

Amy’s POV

My brother. I really hate him right now. He promised me that he wouldn’t butt into my love life. I cannot stand the fact he broke that promise. He kept knocking on my door telling me to open it. I did not want to see his face.

I was crying for a couple minutes and when the tears stopped pouring out. I grabbed my phone and tried to Face Time Tyler. He picked up right away … damn, it was like he was waiting for me or something.

“Hey babe.” He said with that sexy voice

“Hey.” I said still sobbing from before

“What’s wrong? Were you crying?” He asked me looking really concerned

“Uhm, no. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Amy, something is wrong. Just tell me, I’m here for you.”

“Alright. After you left, my brother started to yell at  me about dating you because you have a bad reputation. But he promised me he wouldn’t get into my love life, but he broke that and now I’m just really upset with him.”

“Aww, I understand. I’m not like that bad boy, party all night type of person. The paparazzi just portray me like that. Your brother should know, he’s probably been through that. But Amy, you should talk to him. You can’t stay mad at him forever.” He said all serious and then I saw a figure walk by him.

“Who was that Ty?”

“Oh it was Brad. Brad come say hi!” he yelled. Crap, I did not want to talk to him after what happened a few days ago.

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