Saving Grace

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Riku heard a loud boom coming outside. Riku looked out the door and saw a dent coming from the heavy door. Riku ran down to the statue of The King and said the The King's prayer that they say everyday of school. "Dearly Beloved, we cherish and praise you..." Riku closed his eyes as tears welled in his eyes. "Dearly Beloved, please answer my prayers..." Riku closed his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks. "King Riku." a soft voice came from the back of Riku's mind. "Huh?" Riku asked, looking around the room. "King Riku." the voice said again, the voice started taking form, a bright light formed in the middle of the room. A boy appeared in front of Riku, he looked to be around sixteen, large white wings formed around him and a small, golden crown on the side of his head. Riku shielded his eyes from the bright light. "King Riku, it's alright, do not fear me." the boy bent down and sat on his knees, bowing down to Riku. "Who are you? Where's mommy?" Riku asked. "Your mother longer on this earth." the boy closed his eyes. "Mommy?" Riku stepped back some. "My King, please let me explain to you-" "I miss my mommy!" Riku cried out. The boy stood up and placed his fingertips on Riku's soft cheek. "King Riku, please don't cry." the boy said. Riku looked down and ran to the boy, hugging him tightly and sobbing. "King Riku, it's all okay." Riku let go of the boy and wiped away his tears. The boy wiped his fingertip against Riku's cheek and one of the tears laid on his fingertip. The boy put the teardrop on his thumb on Riku's forehead, and it started glowing. "With this tear, it shows that you have enough love and trust for me to be your most vulnerable, with this you have my oath, and my most vulnerable state, and my eternal protection, my King." the boy closed his eyes and his wings and crown disappeared, along with his holy like glow. "My name is Sora, I am your guardian angel and your protector along this journey." Sora said. "What journey?" Riku asked. "There is a war raging outside, I have to bring you to The Angel's Corner and you must fulfill your prophecy." Sora said. "What the heck? This is all too much..." Riku whined silently. "Come, we need to leave immediately." Sora took Riku's hand and grabbed the key, unlocking the door and opening it up. Riku poked his head out to see the charred remains of the town, everything in ash and ruin. "W...What...?" Riku asked, looking around the charred remains. "Is...Is this what hell looks like...?" Riku asked. "No, everything would still be on fire and the dead-" "You're not helping me Sora." Riku said. Riku slowly walked around his destroyed house. "Come, we need to move quickly. There is a saint in the town over who can help us" Sora grabbed Riku's hand and pulled him out the town, he couldn't let him become corrupted. "What about the saint here?" Riku asked as he was dragged away from his home, Sora blocked Riku's view of his dead mother so he wouldn't lose his holiness. "He is no more Riku." Sora said as he walked him through the town. "Why did this happen?" Riku asked quietly. "Because, there is a war happening around us." "A war?" Riku asked. "Yes, a war, over religion." Sora said, walking out the town and now seeing some form of life in the streets. "That's a thing?" Riku asked and Sora sighed some, but smiled that the boy still had his innocence. "Yes, unfortunately." Sora said. "Sora, are you an angel?" Riku asked. Sora smiled. "I am." "'re dead?" Riku asked. "Yes, I died not too long ago." Sora said quietly. "I...I'm sorry for your loss?" Riku asked and Sora smiled. "I like you Riku." Sora said as he walked down a small road that was half charred, half normal. "I like you too Sora!" Riku yelled out, grinning from ear to ear. He was so innocent, so cute, Sora had never seen anyone like this before, Riku was meant to be the prophecy for this reason. Sora paused, then looked around the open field. "What is it?" Riku asked, looking around. "The military, they're planning another bomb. Come! Move Move!"

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