Chapter 2

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//Oú es-tu (part one)\\

Eliza's POV

Today is the day. The day I've been dreading since he saw me in the library. I tutor Alexander today.

HELPLESSCINNAMONROLL: I tutor the douche today

dontforgetPEGGY: haha have fun

SATISFIEDANGIE: I've been praying for you

HELPLESSCINNAMONROLL: shut up. I hate this day already you don't need to rub it in.

dontforgetPEGGY: okay okay fine.

HELPLESSCINNAMONROLL: wait can on of you cover for me so I don't have to do it?
Ugh I hate you guys.


Great. Angelica and Peggy won't answer me and its 7:30. HOLY CRAP ITS 7:30!! I HAVE CLASS AT 8!! Damnit.

After 5 minutes of frantic getting ready

Finally. I look decent. Well I better get going.
Okay okay where's my car? Oh wait. I don't have one.

Calling "Annoying Older Sister"

Hey Angelica. The one with Angel in her name. My beloved older sister. My sister that has a car.

No. You can walk to class. You have working legs

You wouldn't make a pregnant woman walk would you?


Heh heh I'm not preggos but seriously please pick me up I have class in 15 minutes.

On my way least favorite sister



Okay, Angelica should be here in 5 minutes and it takes another 5 minutes to get there so I will have 5 minutes to find Alexander and remind him about our session later.


Okay Angelica is here, finally. Ooh she took 3 minutes. Two extra minutes to find Alexander. Why do I feel like I need the extra time? Whatever. Okay. Keys, phone, headphones, charger. What am I forgetting? OOH my school books. That would be good to have.

"What the hell took you so long??" Angelica asked as I climbed into the passenger seat of her 2010 Honda Accord. What a mom car am I right?

"I almost forgot my books" I quietly said, looking down. Within the second, my older sister was uncontrollably laughing at me. Her laugh was so contagious, I had to laugh along.

"Okay so after my session with Alex I'm going to hang out with you and Peggy. And I need to tell you something super important." I said, adding the last part very hesitantly.

"You can always tell me anything. But we need to pick up Peggy, since it seems like a major sister moment." Angelica said as if I should've know we had to pick up Peggy.

"Okay okay but we can't be long. I have class" just after I spoke I got an email from my French professor.

Chers élèves,
La classe d'aujourd'hui a été annulée.
Professeur Bagrepe

"I guess I actually don't have class," I said, extremely relieved. French is my favorite class, but today didn't seem like I should have class, since I need to prepare for my session with Alexander.

After a few minutes of driving, we were finally at Peggy's dorm. I hated this side of campus, way too many freshman.


"Peggy!! Let's go!!!" Angelica screamed as our little sister ran out her dorm, trying to text, eat, put on her coat, tie a shoe, and not get hit by a car all at the same time. She was wearing a yellow hoodie with blue jeans. Angelica and I were wearing the same thing, except my hoodie was blue and Angelica's was pink. Once the others noticed, we all laughed at how we matched.

"This hasn't happened since Mom picked out our clothes." Angelica said, reminiscing in the times when Mom was around. Ever since she left, Dad struggled to keep three girls happy, but he did a great job, since we all got into Kings College.

"So... Our middle sister here has something very important to tell us" Angelica says to Peggy through the rear view mirror. My moment of truth. How should I put this? How do I make this without seeming... stupid? Just say it, Eliza. They are your sisters, they will always love you. Just say it. I cleared my throat, preparing for the words about to escape my mouth.

"I-I think I.. I think I'm starting to like Alexander. Not like I can tolerate him and his douchebag-ness. Like I really like him and don't mind spending time with him." I said, my words combing and making everything a long sentence. I stared at my sisters, their jaws nearly touching the floor. It was complete silence until Peggy squealed.

"WHERES MY MONEY ANGELICA?!?" Peggy screamed as Angelica took her wallet out of her pocket and handed Peggy a 10 dollar bill with Smalexander Gramilhon on the face of the bill. I hear they are making a new Broadway musical about him, I doubt it will be any good though.

"You two made a bet if I liked Alexander?!?" I basically screamed.

"Uhhh" Peggy and Angelica said in unison, exchanging guilty glances at each other.

"Heh heh, maybe we should get some pizza and head to Angelica's place. I hear the new season of Cupcake Wars is on Netflix." Peggy said, sort of pleadingly.

"Fine, but we aren't done talking about this"

One trip to Angelica's house, three pizza pies, and one season of Cupcake Wars later...

"Are we going to ignore what I said before?" It's nearly 3 and I told them at 8. Wait
"SHIT ITS ALMOST 3!!" I screamed as I jumped out of my position on the couch and grabbed my bag.
"I'll take my bike. The library is down the block. See you guys later!" I told my sisters as I ran out the apartment. I hopped onto my bike with my bag slung over my shoulder and rode down the block, dodging pedestrians as I went. At 3 o'clock, I bolted into the library, being shushed by 5 different librarians.

"Alexander?" I whisper-screamed.
"Alexander?!" I repeated, louder than the last time.

"Eliza right? I'm John Laurens. I regret to inform you, Alexander could not attend today's study session with you" a tall boy I've seen talking to Alexander told me in a very formal voice, causing me to grow extremely worried.

"Why? Is he okay?" I asked, tension growing in my voice. I didn't get a reply. Only a very serious look from John Laurens. This can't be good.

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