Don't Spill My Secret, & No One Gets Hurt

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My Phone Diary: 8.19.13

Am I weird for making a phone diary? No? Okay. I'm asking myself questions..I've gone insane. So to start this off.. I'm Harry Styles. 1/5 of One Direction. I honestly wonder why I just introduced myself to me. Hopefully someone will find my phone and read these when I'm not looking. This is all in my 'Notes' section on my phone and how girly would I be if I actually had a real diary? But if anyone saw this, I would want it to be Louis. Louis William Tomlinson. I swear, even his name makes my heart flutter a bit. Another reason why I have to keep this on my phone is because of management. One Direction is under Modest! Management and they're really protective over everything we do. They have our Twitter passwords and everything. They even make our fans think that I'm straight... biggest lie ever. I'm 100% gay and I fell head over heels for Louis. It's just everything he does makes my heart beat so much faster and I get butterflies and I can't think straight...I'm rambling aren't I...? I'll do that a lot, mostly when I talk about him..and I could talk about him for days nonstop. Some of our fans are really supportive, saying that Louis and I should date and stuff but Modest! won't let us for many reasons. Louis even had to deny 'Larry Stylinson' on Twitter. Secretly, it broke my heart to read the tweet but I hid the pain. Anyways, something real strange happened today.. See, Louis is dating Eleanor Calder. They seem real happy with each other which emotionally kills me but I can live with the pain. Earlier, I caught Eleanor in a very..crazy situation. I'll tell you about it yeah? 

Harry's POV

'When I'm ready to fall, you're the one always holding me up with love' I sang softly to myself. Christina Grimmie is amazing with her music and her new song 'With Love' really explains my life. The life that I wish could be real with Louis.. I sighed and kicked some small pebbles on the sidewalk as I slowly walked down the never ending road. Well, it seemed never ending due to all the things on my mind. I quickly snapped out of my wonderful thoughts when a few screaming fans ran up to me, asking for pictures and autographs. I faked a smile and posed with them for some pictures that their parents took. I love how dedicated the fans are. It really gives me inspiration for new music. After the pictures were taken, I got on my knees to reach the height of the fans and signed a few autographs. When I signed one Take Me Home CD, I looked up at the girl..around 13 years old..and she looked back at me with sad, lost, eyes.

"Is Larry real?" She asked. I can tell she believed that it was real but according to management, I had to deny it. 

"No..Larry is just another bromance that our fans come up with. I'm sorry" I sighed and playfully messed her hair up and handed her back her CD. I stood up straight and I felt my heart sink a little when she walked away with her parents, bursting into tears while walking. I hate to lie to my fans..but in a way, I'm not lying since Louis and I can't be together. I slowly looked away from the small figure and started walking again, continuing to sing a bit quieter so my voice doesn't shake from the tears that want to fall.

As I was walking, I came across Eleanor. It wasn't a surprise since it was in front of Starbucks but there was something different. She wasn't with Louis. She was with some other guy that I don't know. He was a tiny bit shorter than me, brown hair and piercing blue eyes. It sounds like it's Louis right? It's not. I guess I was staring because Eleanor raced over to me and dragged me away from the mystery boy. 

"Harry! What in the world are you doing here!?" She hissed, just loud enough so I can hear but no one else can.

"I have the right to walk! What are you doing here with that guy!? He's not Louis!" I screeched pretty loud but who could blame me? She covered my mouth roughly with one of her hands, her other hand contained a Starbucks cup. 

"No shit, Sherlock! He's my boyfriend..but I need Modest! to think that he's Louis..and you have to admit, he looks a lot like him" She said, getting lost in her own little twisted world as she looked over my shoulder to blow a kiss to her boy toy. He smirked and pretended to be lost in a display window to some store so no paparazzi will catch them.

"Does Louis know about this!? He thinks you two are actually together!" I screeched again, but softer this time.

"Of course not. I can let him think whatever he wants, but he isn't going to know about Carter over there." She stared at me for a few minutes. "You're not going to tell him either."

"Oh yeah? Watch me." I stated simply and turned away from her and stared to walk back to Louis and my flat until Eleanor grabbed my arm and spun me around so I'm facing her and she had a firm grip on my wrist so I couldn't leave.

"Harry Edward Styles, if you tell Louis or anyone that I'm cheating on him, bad things will happen. Who knows..lives could be lost. Even Louis'..." She glared at me and smirked deviously. "Watch yourself, Styles. Don't spill my secret, and no one gets hurt." She whispered and walked back to Carter, violently letting go of my wrist in the process and I stared at her small frame in disbelief. 

She did not just say that...

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