Chapter 4

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~~Maddy's point of view~~

"DUDE MADDY IT HAS BEEN TWENTY MINUTES WE HAVE BEEN CALLING YOUR NAME AND YOU HAVE NOT RESPONDED!" Alyssa shouted as we were sitting in the kitchen. Reagan must have noticed my ears were down and my tail was not wagging like normal. "Maddy is something wrong? You don't look like your normal self."
"Yeah I was just thinking about that girl we met Riley she had a familiar smell and the way she approached us she must know something." Alyssa twirling her hair spat out "She doesn't know anything we hide in the woods, we go out like once a year." "Yeah that's exactly my point every year I see her she is always there she obviously thinks we are suspicious I mean why shouldn't she we dress in all grey and hoods that cover our faces!"
"NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO FIGHT OKAY IF SHE DOES KNOW SOMETHING WHAT IS SHE GOING TO SAY THE PEOPLE SHE WATCHES ARE DRESSED IN GREY YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE LIKE THAT!?" Reagan finally spat after the continuous fighting. "I guess you are right but that doesn't change the fact we need to talk to her but this time Alyssa be less frantic and Reagan be just a tad more friendly and I need to be well everything wrong with me." "Maddy that's not true you are amazing and we are all so unique and amazing and extra extravagant and of course neko." So it was decided we would go back out to see if she would talk to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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