Guys...don't freak BUT!!! I might need to go to the doctor for:
My Heartburns
My vomiting
My tailbone (long story short...I broke my tailbone)
My right lung
And my unusual lack of sleep
Also my constant migraines....
I think it's stress but stress doesn't do that............does it? I'm not sure anymore....OH WELL......I'm very unhealthy, right now and HOLY SHIT!!! Heart burns are the worst! You can't eat some that is way too much! It sucks balls, but oh well.......oh and I might have a high risk to have diabetes. SOOO FUCK MY UNHEALTHY LIFE AND FUCK!!!!! OH AND TO ADD ON TO THE FUCKING LIST!! My chest feels heavier more than ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!!!!!!
IM GOING TO DIE!!!!! Just kidding.......but my life is going to be a huge bitch right now so......
Wish me luck...
SonstigesASK ME LIKE A HUMAN!!!! I guess XD........... If you guys have something in your beautiful mind and want to ask me then ask.....I don't mind, really........I want to hear your questions about me or something else. (•ω•)