Cassandra groggily sat up. Her head was pounding and she was sure there was a marching band doing drills in there somewhere.

She had no idea where she was. All she could remember was a REALLY wild party and loads of punch. 

Aside from that ,it was all a blur. 

Apart from that drunken kiss in someone's kitchen. And that's where all her memories got crazy.

She looked beside her and nearly jumped out of bed.

''Holt shit!!!! Who are you?'' she asked the boy laying shirtless,and she hope that was the only thing he didn't have on in her bed. 

'James' he said,'we never really got into names last night' 

and he looked at with an annoying smirk on his face and she knew it was probably better that she kept a wide berth between them or she would have smacked him upside the head.

''Ermmm,James? Is it? I have no idea what your doing here,but you need to get out of my bed and leave, anytime within this century would be nice'' 

He started to get out of bed and she glimpsed his bum.

''wait! On second thought, I'm going in the shower. And when i get out, you better be gone! Whatever happened yesterday, i cant remember,and am not too sure i want to.''

with that she huffed her way into her bathroom,made a big show of slamming the door behind her and she sunk on the cold tiles and shook her head.

Again. It happened again. She knew she shouldnt have been binge drinking with Chloes,but she was sad, and she thought after a girly night out she would be all better. 

But clearly it had been a downward tread all night!

She made a mental note to call her friend and give her a good talking to for letting her leave on her own. But first,she needed to get clean.


Cassandra stood infront of the misty mirror and wiped the fog off it. 

Her blonde hair dripped onto the towel on her shoulders, her deep blue eyes looked tired . 

'Happy birthday to me' she said sadly

so yes, her morning hadnt started out as she expected. But she could always pull through right?  

After all,she would only have one eighteenth birthday. She may as well enjoy it.

But she felt nothing,like a big hollow spot filled her chest.

As she got dressed (thankfully that james boy was gone) 

she listened to the voicemails that had accumulated over the week 

the usual,people asking about weekend plans, her parents calling to cancel on the weekend because their meetings in peru or spain or wherever it was were picking up speed. Why wasnt she surprised?

The last one though,the last one caught her off guard 

''Hi Cassandra,its me,James,that guy who you just kicked out of your room. So am guessing you dont remember anything from last night,but nothing really happened. And despite our mutual drunken state last night, i eould like to get to know you because...because i.. 

Lets just say I think your amazing. 

Am sorry to rant on your voicemail but please call be back when you can.. 

Umm.. See you soon. I hope.''

my jaw dropped in utter shock. He left me a voicemail? He thinks i'm amazing?  

I chuckled to myself. Where fid boys go shopping for pick up lines? Because wherever it was,they need to switch suppliers.

I listened to the rest of the messages,nothing major afew birthday messages from the few relatives who still bothered to talk to me and something about the maid being late becuase her son had some stomach bug,whatevs.

I remebered to call Chloe and just when she picked up and i was about to give her a proper telling off,i heard the way she answered. 

''Cassie,hey babe'' she had definately been crying, 

and her piss poor attempt at hiding it made it sound even worse. 

Any anger i had felt was replaced by worry,this was my best friend since finger painting in that nasty exclusive private kindergarten where we met. 

''I'm coming over.'' and i hung up before she could get a word in sideways

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