chapter 1 :

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Great, how the hell did we get ourselves in this freaking situation? Me and my partner randy Orton, against Kane, and undertaker...... shit

He snapped me out of my thoughts ,"Kayla , it'll be ok, I promise, I'll keep you safe , and I'll take care of everything, just stay away from the ring and I'll try to take them . " he said lifting up the ropes as I stepped under , I stood on the apron and looked at him " randy you'll get hurt, I don't want them to hurt you," he gave me that damn smile of his . Why can't I ever resist that smile "I'll be fine Kayla, I got this, and the viper never loses "he said. I stepped down of the apron, the bell rang, signalling the start of the match, undertaker ran at randy, who sidestepped him, leaving him to run into the ring post. Randy grabbed a steel chair and knocked him right on the back of the head. Dam he wasn't playing nice, but can you blame him he's facing two giants and won't let me help. I stood in the corner. Kane was giving me the death stare across the ring. I looked back to randy and the undertaker. Who threw the randy into our corner? Hitting me in the process, the ref indicated that the tag was made. Randy tried to argue with him but the ref wouldn't have it. I stepped into the ring. Undertaker looked at me, then at Kane.

He walked over to his corner and tagged the daemon in. Kane walked right up to me. I had to strain my neck to look up. In one swift motion he wrapped his strong hand around my neck. The undertaker had run around the other side to restrain randy. Who was hysterically screaming at Kane to let me go? I was terrified. I looked right into his cold eyes. To see them staring right back at me. I prayed to god, that somehow. By some miracle. I wouldn't be choking slammed. I grabbed on to his hand with both of mine trying to pry it away from my throat "p_please, please, don't do this. I'll do anything. Just please ... let me go. You're hurting me "his grip didn't falter. He just smirked, he laughed, and then he said something that I'll never forget .....


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