chapter 4 :

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, playing Randy's theme song, dammit what does he want? I reach for it, but a massive arm reaches over me and grabs it off the nightstand, dammit "hello? It's Kane......, duh....... Yeah right................ Would you stop yelling its 7:00 in the morning? ...........What are you? her father?. ...............Yeah she's here; no you can't talk to her .............. Cause it to damn early!" he said hanging up , I laughed " well someone's in a foul mood" I said smiling childishly and poking him, he glared at me , "no I'm not, and good morning to you too princes" he said kissing me on the forehead I smiled . He really is sweet. I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled sitting up and pulling me into his lap "so how'd you sleep?" he asked whilst playing with my hair as I laid my head on his chest "wonderfully thanks to you" I said smiling , he chuckled . I yawned "what time is it?'. He looked down at his watch, "time to have breakfast t"eh can't argue with that "so should we go down to the buffet?" He yawned "yeah I suppose so"

Randy's pov

This was driving me crazy hearing all of the divas at breakfast gossiping away, about my best friend and that monster, what he did to her. I feel sick

"I heard he forced her into it "

"I heard that he cancel her booking so that shed have to stay with him "

"I saw him drag her into his room last night"

", after what happened on raw last night it's obvious that his controlling her. He's holding something over her head, its blackmail"

"Ugh shut up" I screamed , I don't know what came over me , I guess I just snapped , all the divas looked over at me . Nikki walked "hey its OK we understand, it's hard to see something like that happen to someone that you're close to" she said consoling me, john walked up behind her "yeah if it were happening to Nikki id go crazy" john said putting his hand on my shoulder giving me an encouraging that moment Kayla walked into the room, with that monster trailing behind her. He leaned down and said something to her, then walked off. Immediately I ran up to her, putting my hands on her shoulders making her look at me "seriously Kayla, what the hell is going on with you, please tell me?" "Randy, please leave it, I don't want or need to talk about this!!!"She said storming away from me, yet again

Kayla's pov

We walked into the dining hall. Ugh great everybody's staring, that's just perfect for my life, note the sarcasm there. Kane lent  down to whisper "hey I'm sorry for leaving you alone in this situation. But I just got a text from Stephanie , she said that you and I need to meet with her to discuss what's going on with you and me . She said that we aren't allowed to tell anyone what's going on, everything is confidential until official information release approval, okay? I'm sorry to have to put you through all of this corporate stuff, just sit tight, and get something to eat while I organize a car to get to the meeting, I won't be long "he said before walking away, randy ran up to me putting his hands on both of my shoulders "seriously Kayla, what the hell is going on with you, please tell me?" I wish I could tell him , I don't want him to worry , but even if I did tell him the truth he wouldn't understand "randy, please leave it , I don't want or need to talk about this!!!" I walked away, grabbing an apple from the buffet and sitting at a table far away from everybody else .I could feel their stares burning through the back of my head. I just sat there praying for Kane to come back soon. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see exactly who I wanted for once "the car is waiting outside , let's go , he said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the dining hall and out the doors of the hotel we got into the back of the car and the driver started to drive to the arena 

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