Chapter 6 - Moving

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Ritsu pov:

I gave another yawn as I sat in my room staring at the pink window. Man, that's all I did since the past boring!

Well, Kagura had asked me to go with her once to kidnap the little kid who travelled with Sesshomaru. I don't know what that was all about but we had left her in some old abandoned house with Kohaku there to guard her. Kagura set up a barrier around the house and then a bunch of Naraku's demons had appeared to guard the house. After that incident, I was left in the castle by myself.

Yes, you heard me right. BY MYSELF! No Kagura, no Kanna, no Kohaku and obviously no Naraku either. Kagura wouldn't tell me what Naraku was planning having the little girl in Sesshomaru's gang suddenly kidnapped. Well, I doubt Kagura herself knew the details either. She had already shown her disrespect and disloyalty.....I think Naraku didn't tell her anything on purpose.

Whatever! Why was I being left here alone?! Its not like I was disloyal to Naraku! I was more loyal than necessary because I actually saw him as a friend. Hopefully not more but yeah, he could tell me what was going on!

I sat legs folded, resting my chin in one hand and with a big angry pout on my face. I blew on a strand of hair that was hanging in front of my face annoying me even more than I already was. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. Ah, what's the point? It's not like I can leave from the castle anyway....the miasma was still pretty thick and I didn't have my mask. Even if I shouted in frustration, no one would hear me.

When was Naraku going to get back? I just hope he didn't forget about me and leave me here....

I closed my eyes for a few minutes trying to reduce the tension that had built up between my brows. I looked up though when I heard the buzzing of the Saimyosho. I raised a brow as one of them stopped in front of me, staring at me with its beady eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed and it continued to buzz.

After a few seconds, it flew away. I deadpanned as I saw its retreating figure. Jeez, I couldn't understand flying demons bugs, okay? Sure, demons could understand but not me! I shook my head and looked up at the purple miasma again.

A few silent minutes passed and the Saimyosho returned. When it reached me, it dropped my air filter mask that it had in its hold. A bunch more Saimyosho appeared behind it and dropped all my demon slaying weapons on my lap. I blinked and looked at them with a raised brow.

"Am I supposed to go on a task?" Of course I couldn't understand what they said even if they did reply. Shrugging, I put on the mask and strapped my weapons to my waist and back.

I walked out into the courtyard following the Saimyosho. When we were in the middle of the courtyard, the just flew up and out of the miasma leaving me alone. My brow twitched, one of my nerves ready to pop in all the pent up irritation. What was the point in making me wear all my demon slaying weapons and then leave me standing in the middle of nowhere?!

"That stupid bug! What on earth...?!" I didn't complete yelling my sentence though. Just as I was stomping my foot in the ground imaginarily squashing the Saimyosho under my foot, I was interrupted by something rough and thick wrapping itself around my waist in a tight grip.

I couldn't even look at whatever it was that had wrapped itself around my waist because I let out an ear piercing scream as I was lifted off the ground violently. I didn't stop screaming as I was pulled up and out of the barrier. The barrier itself slowly disintegrated and I shut my eyes as I was turned around and slammed hard against something.....or rather someone.

The wind was literally knocked out of my lungs and as I reflex, I wrapped my arms tightly around whoever it was I was slammed into. I still had my eyes shut and I coughed to regain my breath. I finally opened my eyes and noticed a pink barrier and the sky beyond it. It looked like we were moving....but I couldn't be sure.

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