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Alyssa's pov
"Aww look at them." I hear mom whisper what is going on. I try to turn around just to be met by someones hard chest. I open my eyes to see Aiden. What!? I pull away from him and stand up turning around to see my parents.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Well we came here to wake you up for school and saw you and Aiden all cuddled up."
"Um.. okay well you can leave now."
"Oh okay honey but hurry up a little or you will be late."
"Okay." I close the door behind them and turn around to Aiden. I walk over to my bed and sit down just looking at him.
"Aiden, Aiden wake up." I shake his arm.
"What?" He whispered opening one eye.
"Get up."
"No." He said and pulls me down hugging me like a tedy bear.
"Aiden let me go." I start to get annoyed.
"Because I don't want you to hold me."
"Why not?"
"I just don't okay?"
"But I want to hold you."
"Well you were not like that yesterday at school." I mumble.
"You were not like that yesterday at school." I said again and get myself out of his grip.
"I don't get it."
"you were sucking that sluts face in the hallway, you got mad at Jack and I for no reason."
"No reason you were flirting right in front of me!"
"We were not flirting and you were making out with that slut right in front of ME!"
"Don't Aiden just leave." I said a little calmer.
"Aly do-"
"Leave Aiden!"

"Fine! Good bye!" He yells walking out of my room slamming the door behind him. Ugh..

"Honey is everything okay?" Mom asked walking in my room.
"It's okay mom."
"Okay honey if you need to talk you know where to find me."
"Thanks mom." I walk to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on some foundation and mascara I didn't really like to wear a lot of make up to school specialty when I had PE. I walk to my closet and look for an outfit.

My outfit is quite summery but it is spring and it's really worm outside so yeah

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My outfit is quite summery but it is spring and it's really worm outside so yeah.
△△at school△△
"Hey guys." I said sitting down at the table it was lunch time and my day has been going so slow today.
"Sup?" Alex said poking me.
"Aly something is wrong now tell us."
"It's nothing."
"Hmm does it has to do something with Aiden cuz he has been grumpy all day today." Meg said and pointed to Aiden who was sitting with his friends looking kinda angry.
"No it doesn't have anything to do with Aiden." I said and finish my salad.
"What ever help you sleep at night."
Ugh I can't lie to them they are my bffs and I need to get it out of me.
"I am so annoyed with him like he was all oh bla bla at the game and then the next day he is making out with that slut and then HE gets mad at ME cuz I was talking with Jack and then he yells at me like I don't even know this morning."
"Wait, this morning?"
"We were doing the project and fell asleep."
"Aww did you sleep in the same bed." I glare at Ashley.
"Sorry." She said looking down.
"No it's okay I just don't want to talk to him or anything."
"We understand, I'll ask how he is and all when we have practice, is that okay?" I look up at James and nod.
"I'll see you guys later." I say to them all and we say our goodbyes and I walk back in school to my locker just to be pined against it I open my eyes to see Derek aka my bad ass ex.
"Let go of me Der."
"Oh baby girl your still calling me Der." He said looking at my eyes.
"You don't want me to?"
"No, no I didn't say that."
"Okay can you let me go now." I smile at him praying to god he will let me go.
"Oh baby girl but why I like it like this."
"Well I don't."
"Well to bad you are staying like this." He said and puts his hand on my thing.
"Derek let me go!"
"Shut up and enjoy." He spats in my face. I close my eyes and then remember what Ryan thought me. I hit Derek with my need where the sun does not shine. As he lets me go and kneels down I take my chance to run and I turn around for a second to bump into someones hard chest. I sit down on the floor breathing heavenly.
"Aly are you okay?" I recognize the voice. Aiden
"I-I can't breath." I feel myself start to have a panic attack.
"Okay, okay Aly breath, breathe with me okay. In and out. In and out." I breath as he tells me to in and out.
"Are you okay now?" I look up at him and nod.
"Yeah, thank you."
"No problem, why were you running?"

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