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Alexa's pov

"Did you used to have a long board?" calum asked. "Um... Yea." i say, pulling into my street. "Was your hair more of a bright blonde?" Micheal asked. "A little." i say. "Then it is her! Wait... YOU'RE ALEXA?!" Michael jumped. Making cholie bump her head. "Yea. That's me." i say as i sit back in my seat. "Wait. So Luke ruined the friendship,yet has her as his wallpaper?" Ashton said. I look over at Luke who was already looking at me.

I scratch behind my ear and look back at the road. "She became a lot hotter." Michael laughed. Boys. I roll my eyes, pulling into Luke's driveway. Liz was walking out the front door with My mum following. Calum opened the door and got out. Ashton followed. "I don't know, i kinda wanna hang out with you two." Michael smirked. "Get out." i say. Annoyed with the asshole. Cholie looked over at Micheal. "If i were you I'd go. She kicked my ass once because i wouldn't leave. Lost a tooth." cholie hopped off his lap and got out of the car.

Michael quickly gets out of the car. Luke hasn't moved. "Are you gonna get out or?" cholie asked. Luke glanced at me, scanning me up and down. "I'm sorry" Luke quietly said before getting out of the car.

Cholie gives me a long quiet stare as i get out of her car, handing her the keys, then beginning my way across the road to home.

"So can i call you?" Michael yelled. "In your dreams ass!" i yell back.


"Babe!" Michael please jump off a cliff. "Go away." i say. Grabbing my binder out of my locker. He leaned to my left and crossed his arms smiling. "Aww don't be like that baby girl." he pouted. I shove my binder into my messenger bag glaring at him. "Don't call me that." i say. Putting my ratty old messenger bag on my shoulder. "Like babe better?" he asked. I slammed my locker. Making him flinch. "If you would 'love' to have kids. I'd shut up if i were you." i smile. He flurried his eyebrows together. "What are you talking about?" he looked confused. I cross my arms annoyed. "Call my babe, baby, or anything else besides my name. I'll kick you in the balls so hard. You wont be able to have kids." i explain.

"Baby gir-" i cut him off by kicking him in the balls. "Ahhhh fuck." he said. Grabbing his private and falling to his knees. "Warned you." i say. Flicking my hair and walking towards cholie. "Why is he... Oh." cholie said realizing what i just did. "Alexa.." she said walking past me. "I warned him." i say. "You cant just kick people just because they annoy you." she sighed. I cross my arms as she helps Michael up to his feet. Calum walks up to Michael and laughed. I smile and make my way down the hall to my first class.


"Alexandra!" my teacher Mr Friedrich said. Saying my real name. Alexandra is my full name. But i like Alexa better. "Hmm. Yea?" i say. Pushing the hair out of my face. "Sleeping again?" he said. Crossing his chalky arms together. "Nah. I was just recharging my battery." i say. Giving him a lazy, sleepy smile. "Well Alexandra. You can rest your sweet little head after school, in detention." Mr Friedrich said. Turning back to the board. Continuing again.

"Did he just call you Alexandra?" Calum asked. I nod to answer him. "But i thought your whole name was Alexa?" he said. "Nah its Alexandra. I just like Alexa better." i whisper. "Mr Friedrich?" i say. The teacher turns around. Giving me a deadly cold stare. "I would really appreciate it if you would call me Alexa instead of Alexandra." i hesitantly say. "Well 'Alexa' we can discuss this in detention. In which you now have two hours." i drop my jaw. "I just-" i stutter. he puts his dry erase marker on his desk before crossing his arms. "Would you like to make it three?" a few kids in the class chuckled. "No" i say. "Good. Now pay attention." he said as he pocked up his red marker. I bite my lip. Fighting back so many comments. So i don't get into anymore trouble. "Good, now, what is the gravity distance between Saturn and Earth?" i hate you so much. "Seven hundred, ninety-seven million, seven hundred forty thousand mile distance." i say, sitting back in my chair.

Mr. Friedrich looked up from his desk of papers. "Calculator?" he asked? I shake my head. "Answers?" he asked again. "Nothing is on my desk." i state. Calum laughed. Everyone turned around and looked at me. Friedrich nodded and cleared throat and spoke again.

"Alexa, diameter of the smaller planet in our solar system?" Easy. "Mercury and its four thousand eight hundred seventy nine kilometers around the equator. Pluto was considered the smallest planet until it was named a dwarf planet on September thirteenth in twenty o'six."

"Radius of Jupiter?"
"Forty three thousand four hundred forty one miles."

"When was the last time you studied in science?"
Mr. Friedrich asked as he sat down at his desk. I bit my lip and look up at the ceiling. "About three years ago." i say. I was always really good at science class. Earth science was my best class though. "And one more question, how many days are there in a regular year?" a couple kids raise their hands. "Three hundred sixty five point two five days." i say. Folding my arms over my chest.


"Wait. So because i went to the nurse. I missed you telling off Friedrich?" calum told cholie what happened in earth science because she left class because of a headache. "Chill. I didn't really tell him off." i put my bag in my locker. Grabbing my math binder and my money from my bag. "No. You made him look like and idiot. It was amazing." calum laughed. I laugh and shake my head. "Again. Like last year when you corrected him about planets or something." cholie shrugged. "Oh. Also i cant go over. I got detention." i tell cholie before closing my messy locker. "For what?" she asked. "Sleeping."

Its normal for me to sleep in class. It was never really a big issue before. But not, i hardly ever sleep. So i just sleep in science.

"I hate you." cholie was planning to go to the mall and dragging me there. Normally. I just wander around hot topic until she's finished. "Sorry." i was pretty happy about it though. No shopping with cholie. We all make our way to the cafe. "Wait. How did you guys even know about Luke and Alexa's past friendship?" Cholie. Walking in front of us. Walking backwards.

"Well we really didn't know about it at first. Mrs hemmings told us about it at first. Luke was all moody during practice, he just kept looking at his phone. Ashton asked Mrs hemmings what was wrong, she basically said that you two were really close but thing kinda ended really bad. Calum said nodding towards me.

Luke probably told his mom the truth about what happened between us. The only that knows Is Micheal. I nod as we enter the lunchroom. "I would really love to ask you guys to sit with us but." calum said nodding his head towards Kylie. Who was sitting on Luke's lap and he was on his phone. Not paying any attention to her.

"Its fine. See ya!" cholie, grabbing my skinny arm and dragging me towards our table of friends. We didn't have a huge group of people. But it was still really nice. First, Jacob. We don't really know her whole name. She just told us to call her Jacob. Then, Nick. Who cholie has wanted me to date since I've first met her. He's the captain of the football team. But ditched the popular kids because they are a bunch of fakes, and lastly, the only couple in the group. Dylan and Kate. They're the only ones dating in our group. And sometimes, its disgusting.

Like today i get to the table. And they're frenching. I slam my binder down on the table. "Oi! Would love to eat today. Not lose my appetite. I sat as i sit down on the bench next to Nick. It was almost like a third wheel moment. They pull away in disgust.

"I'm serious about what i said. Date." cholie said looking at me and Nick.

"And I'm serious to. Jump off a cliff." i say back. A smirk growing in my face.

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