The world whipped around Julia at high-speed; it was like watching a DVD on fast-forward. Confused and bewildered she screamed but, no sound came out. When everything slowed down and came back into focus Julia found herself dancing with a man.
His long limbs held Julia tight and his broad body towered over her as he led her around the ballroom. The man was regal and looked to be in his 50's yet still youthful. His sandy blonde hair and square face highlighted his cold commanding features. Julia felt her-modern-day-self slipping away, being replaced with someone else. She tried to shake herself out of the man's hold but her body wouldn't respond. Her body kept dancing as her conscious and self-awareness dissolved.
Thorsen smiled at Beatrix but it was cold and restrained. "My dear niece, tonight is such a ground-breaking event. Your wedding will solidify two of the three royal clans and your children will have the power to reign over all dark faerie kind."
Beatrix's whole body stiffened listening to him. She cared for her uncle, yet his beliefs and lust for power disgusted her. She was a progressive in the dark faerie world and whole-heartedly thought dark faeries and all supernaturals could coexist with humans. Thorsen was old-fashioned. He thought we should break the ancient treaties with the humans, and that dark faeries alone should rule over all supernaturals and humans.
"Uncle, I would not go that far. Yes, our two families are powerful however, there are many other clans." Beatrix replied stiffly, trying to hide her disdain. "Besides, I do not think the senate would appreciate you talking as if they do not rule over us."
Thorsen laughed and waved his hand dismissively as he quipped, "My dear you cannot be that naïve. You and I both know the only reason they are in power is because the royal, families let them. The rot has set in within the senate and is spreading." Thorsen's silver eyes burned with loathing as he sneered at her. "The only way to get rid of the rot before it infects everything is to cut it out."
She ground her teeth, wanting to walk away, but knew better than to make a scene. The dark faerie court was treacherous at the best of times. Anyone and everyone were constantly looking for ways to stab you in the back and bring your clan down for theirs might take its place.
"You are my beloved uncle," Beatrix's words sounded hollow even to her. "Therefore, I will not report you to the Guard this time." Then she hissed, "However, Uncle, you know my stance on the politics of our kind. If I hear you speak of things like this again. I will have no choice but to report you."
Thorsen looked affronted as he led her off the dance floor. He gave her a fake smile and bowed. "My apologies," he said stiffly. "This is your wedding day and I have no desire to spoil it. I am looking forward to the joining ceremony."
As Thorsen walked off everything sped up once again into a blur.
The light of the midday filtered into Julia's room, bathing everything in its warm afternoon glow. Julia stretched out in her warm cosy bed and stopped abruptly then opened her eyes and groaned. She held her pounding head with both hands and sat up slowly. Her senses were in hyper-drive, every tiny movement felt as if her brain would rattle right out of her ears.
She looked around; to her utter shock and surprise everything was in super-high-definition-crystal-clear-clarity. She could even see the dust particles in the air and the different ways the sunlight reflected off everything in her room casting different shades and colours on everything. She sensed the tiniest of movement by the window and her attention snapped into focus like a bullet being fired from a gun. Her eyes whipped over to the window as her whole body instinctively tensed, ready for a fight. When she saw Alex smiling at her, she relaxed and propped herself against her headboard grinning at him.
Daughter of Stars and Nightmares (The Eternal Bond Saga book 1)
FantasySecrets can be Powerful. ...But they can also be Deadly. Unable to weld magic dooms Julia to a life of servitude and drudgery. Desperate to break free from that misery Julia runs away. In her quest to figure out why she's the only one in her family...