Hallows Eve II

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Julia looked up at a sea of cerulean not a speck of white blemished the sky. She once again floated in the air. Although the dreams were still disturbing, she had started to get used to them. She turned over and looked across the vast, perfectly manicured lawns of the Griffemort summer castle, knowing it was 1820 and this was the day everything changed.

Her eyes lock onto Beatrix and she lurched forward. Nothing she could do would've stopped the inevitable so she let go and drifted toward Beatrix.

Julia's eyes enviously racked over the beautiful dress her copy was in. The style had evolved, the waist of the dress was lower and it covered more of her chest. The dress's skirt was no longer free flowing; it was now more silhouette forming and made of a heaver fabric. The sleeves were huge and poofy and the whole thing was a dark golden colour.

As Julia melted into Beatrix, she couldn't help but notice how dashing Alex looked. His midnight blue waistcoat had a high collar that framed the long planes of his oval face beautifully. His black hair was shoulder length and his long bangs covered his eyes, bucking the trend of short hair with huge sideburns. His breeches were light brown and figure hugging, which accentuated his muscular legs. Julia took one last admiring look at him before she slipped away.

Beatrix and Alex had been arguing like cats and dogs outside in the gardens when she stormed off. Alex shook his head and ran after her.

When he caught up to her, he seized her arm. "Hey wait. Do not run off."

She snapped back, hot with anger, "If you do not want me to rip that arm of yours off let me go."

He smiled at her holding back a laugh. "Only if you stay and hear me out."

Beatrix stopped walking, whipped around, yanking her arm out of his grip. "Why should I? It is antiquated views like yours and Thorsen's that disgusts me."

"There you go 'Miss high and mighty', with that righteous superiority, thinking you know best. It sickens me," Alex said annoyed.

She looked triumphant. "Good," she said and turned to leave.

He grabbed her shoulders yanking her hard and forcing her around. "I would love to see how your naïve views change when the humans hunt someone you love down and kill him in front of your eyes. Humans are not fluffy and cuddly. They fear and hate easily and are quick to kill anything different without a second thought. The sooner you see that the better you will be."

She softened, looking up at him with her big silver eyes. "I am sorry that they killed someone you loved. But not all humans are like that. They may not be ready to learn about us yet; but I believe wholeheartedly that one day they will be."

He let go of her and softened his tone, "I truly hope you are still alive to see that day. However, I think even if you live to be a hundred thousand years old that day will never come. Humans hate us and we hate humans it is just a fact of life."

She continued looking up at him with sad eyes. There was something about him. He had never let her in before and now something had changed. It felt as if the cold hard armour he had encased himself in was finally coming off. She saw that he had a heart, and it was shattered. Everything inside of her yearned to help heal it.

Without thinking, she took his hand linking her fingers in his. "The situation will never change if either side does nothing to break the vicious cycle. Seeing how the humans know nothing about us it is down to supernaturals to be the better side and make the first move. You can never achieve peaceful coexistence without someone extending the olive branch first."

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