Chapter 4

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I've been in the hospital for a week now and i can't just wait to go home but i know what's waiting for me at home.

"You've to eat something" The nurse told me, she brought the food about 5 minutes ago and i haven't touched it i've just lost my appetite.

"I've lost my appetite" I told her.

"If you want to get better if you've to eat" I started to eat little by little until the plate was empty.

The doctor came in and did some tests and he smiled at me.

"You're recovering fast and you're responding well to the treatment and i'm glad to see that you're eating" The doctor told me.

"When i'm i leaving?" I asked him.

"Next week" What?.

"No it can't be!" I shouted.

"Calm down" The doctor said.

"I can't calm down I want to go home and treat myself"

"You know you can't treat yourself" The doctor told me, I don't know why I want to go home to that monster, he has been evil to me but i still keep paying him back in good.

I need to calm down and i did.

"The cuts are healing and your ribs are also healing" He moved the knee and it's really painful.

"Don't stress the knee, don't do anything that will affect the knee" He said when he heard me wince.

"I need to use the restroom" I said to the nurse as the doctor left.

She helped me out of the bed and i used the opportunity to escape.

"Get her" Someone shouted while I was running through the hallway of the hospital, I can't run fast but i'm trying to hasten my speed.

I almost fell and someone caught me and I turned around to see a security.

"Got ya" He said laughing and he took me to my room.

"Don't you try to escape again" The nurse told me.

"Or you'll be taken to a mental hospital if it happens again"

"I was just trying to go and meet my dad" I said.

"Your dad has to see you in a good condition if you want to get better you've to obey my rules"

"Ok, i'll try" And he walked.

"What did you think you were trying to do?" Nurse Lucy asked.

"Go home and never come back to an hospital"

Dad wouldn't think of looking for me causs he isn't a good parent and doesn't care about me.

"There's someone here who wants to see you" Lucy said, who cares about me? No one. No one in his/her mind would want to visit me in an hospital i'm less imprtant.

Sorry for updating late, i hope you all like this chapter. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments, i'ld love to read your feedbacks. Love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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