Chapter 14

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Co-writer: Franan123 ( Farana123)


Tsuna walked down the stairs heading for the lounge. He was pretty excited to meet his Guardians that had just returned from a long mission. As he approached the lounge he could hear his Guardians and so sped up his pace but his instincts told him to listen a bit before he entered and that's exactly what Tsuna did. He eavesdropped on their conversation. "I would have lived a happy life without lying to my little sister if I hadn't met Tsuna." Said Sasagawa Ryohei, Decimo's Sun Guardian. "I tried being his right hand but since he was officially announced Decimo he wasn't the same anymore. He wouldn't talk to me like he used too. He always sent me out on long missions as if sending me away."Said Gokudera with a hint of disappointment and sadness. "Tsunayoshi-Kun accepted us as a family and we were really grateful but he seemed to not care after he succeeded the throne. He was always signing these papers not talking to us and sending us out on missions." Said Chrome earning a nod from Mukuro. "Boss doesn't me give me candy anymore. He is cold." Said Lambo Bovino, Decimo's Thunder Guardian. "Since he became Decimo he has been cold towards me too." Said Yamamoto. Hibari for some odd reason seemed to stay quite during the conversation. Perhaps he still trusts his Boss. "If I could get one wish granted it would be to go back in past not follow Tsuna." Lambo said earning nods from the other guardians except Hibari.

'No Hayato that's wrong. It wasn't that I wanted to send you away I just knew no one else I could trust with these important missions. Ryohei I never meant to separate you from your sister. It was your own choice. L-lambo I wanted to give you candy. I still ave a whole jar of them in my office only for you. But you never stayed in the office to give me a chance to offer you one. Chrome, Mukuro I do care. I want talk with you all day long but if I don't sign those papers trouble might arise and then we might get attacked. I-i don't want to see you guys hurt.' Tsuna thought wiping off the tears. After a good few minutes of stabilizing himself Tsuna entered the lounge. After some awkward silence in the lounge the brunette left. He went back to his office and called Byakuran asking him to come to his mansion immediately and send his guardians to a parallel word. This surprised the albino but noticing the little stuttering and faint whimpers he decided to question him later. When Tsuna came back Hibari headed towards the brunette and whispered, "I don't know what you are up to but I am staying in this mansion." A soon as Tsuna those words he was happy that he would someone with him.

Flashback End.

..........'And now I would like you to beat some sense into these Guardians. Think of it as a request from Decimo.' Were the last sentences that written on the piece of paper that popped out of nowhere in front of a certain brunette. He smiled rather sadly probably feeling sympathy for his counter-self. 'I request your accept, Byakuran.' The said brunette thought as he finished reading the piece of paper which explained how Tsuna was left alone by his Guardians. The piece of paper was in fact written by Byakuran but he just added the Decimo's name to convince the brunette to help out. The brunette smirked. He just thought of a plan.
"The Guardians of Decimo have disappeared leaving him alone." Said a spy kneeling in front of his boss. The tenth generation boss of the rumored to be annihilated Estreano Family.
The boss had tamed black hair and dark black eyes. He wore the formal mafia suit. His face had a scar that stretched from the right corner of his forehead to the mid of his chin. A scar he probably got during a battle. Anyone who saw that scar could tell that he was a pretty experienced fighter.
The boss namely Akuma smirked. "Well then we attack at the break of midnight. Alert the others to prepare." Akuma said gesturing the spy to leave. The time has cone for Estreano to take revenge on Vongola for destroying their experiment lab and nearly annihilating the Family.
Gokudera, Yamamoto, Mukuro, Chrome, Lambo and Ryohei opened their eyes to shut them back due to dazzling rays of the tropical sun hitting them straight. After a few blinks their eyes finally adjusted to the bright light and they all stood up one thought crossing each Guardians mind, 'What have we done.' The group of six was snapped out of their trance when they felt a presence nearby. They turned their heads in the direction to see Bianchi. The all gave a sigh of relief but tensed again seeing that Bianchi was on her guard. Bianchi started talking, " You guys should get a move on before you get killed by Tsuna." Saying this she earned a confused a look from the Guardians. "What do you mean Bianchi-San?" Yamamoto asked raising an eyebrow. Bianchi gave out a small laugh before asking or rather stating. "Have you forgotten." Seeing that no one spoke she took it as a cue to continue and so she did. "The world is in chaos. That as****e Tsunayoshi is going about destroying every place he cones across. I hope he would just die." Bianchi continued earning death glared fromm the group of six. The group was giving off so much Killing Intent that the world's greatest Hitman was put at shame. "Bad mouth Tsuna-nii was once more and you won't live to see another day." Said the once playful Lambo. Venom dripping from each word.
After saying this the group if six started to move in the direction opposite of Bianchi. They knew this forest like the back of their hand. They were currently in Namimori Forest. Behind them Bianchi smirked. 'It's just like you predicted, Tsuna.' Bianchi thought as she too left. 'Your plan might actually work out.'

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